I just cannot believe it is that difficult to implement DTS-MA!
ADTG, fwiw, MA is two concurrent bitstreams. Core + Extension. So, I think that in of itself makes it trickier. Why the core? So that people w/o HDMI receivers can still enjoy significantly improved bit-rates thru SPDIF.
WHEN DECODING dolby true hd or DTS-MA I believe there are two ways of doing it.
1. the DVD Player can decode it internally
2. It can send a bitstream
is this correct, if so what is a bitstream? Is it when the DVD can send the signal to the receiver the receiver can interally decode the signal?
In a nutshell, yes. Though more knowledgable people will say that bitstream might be a misnomer? Since its all just a stream of bits?
The whole point of using T-HD and MA is to pack the info into less space. Wherever it is "decoded" (or more perhaps more accurately "unpacked", since there is
nothing to decode) does not matter, in theory. But, it needs to be unpacked somewhere into PCM.
Of course, a lot of discs just have PCM. No unpacking required. At first, some were worried about the great amount of space that takes on a disc. Some are just against it period, as a waste of space just equals a waste of space, and they would like to see that space used for further decompression of video.
Thankfully, the proportion of 50g discs seems to be slowly, but continuously, climbing in proportion to 25g discs.