Your top 3 games this gen



Audioholic Ninja
Mine are as follows:

1) Grand Theft Auto IV
2) Call Of Duty 4
3) Mass Effect

Honourable mentions: Gears of War, Elder Scrolls Oblivion, Rainbow Six Vegas.

Most Underated: Crackdown

Most Dissapointing: Assassins Creed


Audioholic Jedi
Assassins Creed wasn't disappointing; maybe the ending a bit. It still yeilds some of the most advanced interactivity of any game I've seen. Could have been better though.

My favs so far: Darkness, Skate and Motorstorm. Honorable mentions: COD4 (campaign sucks, multiplayer is fun), Folklore (a little slow), Prologe


Audioholic Ninja
The repetiveness in assassins creed is brutal. You do the same thing over and over again in each city. How many times do I have to hear "another minute and they would have made off with me". The game is very pretty and the concept is interesting but I got bored doing the same things over and over (still havn't even finished the game).

I forgot to put Bioshock in my top 3. Great game:D. I loved COD 4 single player by the way...have any of you got the Mile High Achievement:eek::eek:


Audioholic Jedi
Yeah, the repetetiveness of AC did get tiresome, which is why I didn't play it straight through. "My family is sick and dying".


Full Audioholic
In no specific order: Mass Effect, Oblivion, Gears of War.


Audioholic Chief
1. Bioshock
2. Twilight Princess
3. Mario Galaxy
Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
I am strictly a PC gamer since I don't own a console. I haven't played a lot of newer games lately (don't have time) but my incomplete list is as follows:

1. Crysis - Excellent and amazing game.
2. Bioshock - Haven't finished but it's been great so far.


Audioholic Intern
I'm surprised Resistance: Fall of Man wasn't mentioned. I heard that game was awesome, but I haven't seen it personally.


Audioholic Ninja
I'm surprised Resistance: Fall of Man wasn't mentioned. I heard that game was awesome, but I haven't seen it personally.
IMO Resistance is a pretty standard first person shooter for this gen. Don`t get me wrong it is a good game but in a generation dominated by first person shooters there are better ones (COD 4, GOW, Bioshock, Rainbow 6 Vegas, Halo3:confused: etc.). Resistance is probably the best exclusive PS3 first person shooter so it is defenitly worth a play through:).


Audioholic Jedi
I thought the graphics and story were great on Resistance; a very good game, but not exactly genre bending or anything. To me it was a bit too easy, and actually got boring rather quickly. It was a launch title and is over a year old, so don't expect to see it on many people's lists.


In terms of gameplay

1. World of Warcraft
2. Grand theft Auto, (Pick your own series all of them are brilliant)
3. Gran Turismo GT2

You didn't specify the cosntraints of a generation so I just assumed since the induction of modern graphical consoles.


Full Audioholic
I guess I would have to go with
1 Mass Effect
2 Oblivion
3 Still deciding, probably between Ghost Recon and GTA IV (I need to revisit Bioshock and Rainbow 6 Las Vegas too)

For PC games, I haven't played anything else in over a year now besides Lord of the Rings Online.


1 Bioshock
2 COD4
3 NFSPS although my favorite is underground


1. Oblivion
2. World of Warcraft. Although I'm not a fan, I must admit it is a very well made game.
3. The Sims Series. I don't think they count as this generation, but one of my favorite games of all time. =) build houses and build more houses

I'm not very impressed with any of the new games. The only few games that I am waiting for are: Gran Turismo 5, Final Fantasy XIII, and Metal Gear 4.

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