Guys, those of you who have no experience with horses are not really making valid points. Rickster's post is on the money. Those horses who have catastrophic breakdowns, as did the filly yesterday, cannot be saved. Horses are built much differently from the human athlete and veterinary medicine, as advanced as it is, could not save her.
As far as the ethical treatment of animals, that kind of 'poor them' logic can get pretty absurd. Mike, have you thought that maybe koi don't want to be cooped up in your small, concrete pond, swimming in a small enclosure, eating what and when you deem fit to feed them...all for your pleasure? Do you have a dog or cat? Do you feed it that packaged rice crap they call pet food...when what they want and need to maintain healthy, natural lives is to eat live chickens and other small animals? Anyone have pet birds they keep in
cages? Anyone eat meat or fish?!!! I'd guess cattle, chickens, pigs, fish, etc...don't really like being slaughtered and eaten at our grubby little meals. Have you ever seen a beef slaughtered? That is NOT a pretty sight.
Get my point?
That was a tragedy at the Kentucky Derby yesterday. There is no doubt about it. But if you've ever been around horses, you'll know that they LOVE to run. It's what they do. All horses. An accident can happen at any time to any horse for just about any reason. As Rickster's post pointed out, their bones are very fragile for such large animals. And while there are perhaps some ethical and ego issues about "my horse can run faster than your horse", race horses are better treated than average (non-racing) horses by far! They get better medical care, better nutrition, better grooming, better exercise, etc. And when the racing is done, there are a couple of nation-wide groups that "rehabilitate" the horses, turning race horses into trail horses, family horses, jumping horses, etc, and ensure good homes for the animals. (Only recently has such a system been implemented for greyhounds...about time!). Last, and definitely not least, successful racehorses retire early and have sex for the rest of their lives.