I'll do better than tat. I'll give you a generic solution for either schematic. With the equations I'm going to derive for you, you can calculate all powers in either circuit. So we will hopefully end this sillyness once and for all. And if you object then show us YOUR equations and stop blabbering!
Let us suppose a circuit "halfway in between" the mono and bi-wire cases. One set of wires leaving the amp. Halfway they split into 2 sets of wires one going to the tweeter, one to the woofer. Say:
Rw1 = wires from the amp to the "in between" node
Rw2 = wires from "in between" node to the tweeter
Rw3 = wires from "in between" node to the woofer
The bi-wired case can then be considered as Rw1 = 0 and conversely the mono wire case can be considered Rw2 and Rw3 = 0. So the resulting set of equations will apply to both. We will also consider voltage drive and all expressions will be done in terms of voltage only (just so you can remove the woofer branch without breaking the equations on an infinity).
Pamp = Pw1 + Pw2 + Pw3 + Pfil-tw + Pfil-wf + Ptw + Pwf
Pamp: power put out by the amp
Pw1, Pw2, Pw3: the wire losses
Pfil-tw: power term of the tweeter filter
Pfil-wf: power term of the woofer filter
Ptw: power term of the tweeter
Pwf: power term of the woofer
Al being functions of time (not talking about average power here).
From this we can say:
Pspeakers = Ptw + Pwf = Pamp - (Pw1 + Pw2 + Pw3 + Pfil-tw + Pfil-wf)
What we want to prove here is that there is no distortion in the speakers and hence the power in the speakers must be given by an expression that looks like this:
Pspeakers = K1*sqr(Va) + K2*sqr(Vb)
With K1 and K2 constants that must be independent of time and independent of either Va or Vb. Va is the HF signal and Vb is the LF signal. Both functions of time (although their exact shape doesn't matter, only that one is pure LF and the other pure HF).
Good, let's start:
Pamp = (Va + Vb)*(Ia + Ib)
Using the fact that the filters have either zero or infinite impendance for each signal, we can calculate the resistance seen by the LF and HF signals:
Let us call:
Ra = Rw1 + Rw2 + Rtw -> HF resistance
Rb = Rw1 + Rw3 + Rwf -> LF resistance
Ia = Va / Ra -> HF current
Ib = Vb / Rb -> LF current
Pamp = (Va + Vb) * ( Va / Ra + Vb / Rb )
Pamp = sqr(Va) / Ra + sqr(Vb) / Rb + Va*Vb*(1/Ra + 1/Rb)
Pamp = sqr(Va) / Ra + sqr(Vb) / Rb + Va*Vb*(Ra+Rb)/(Ra*Rb) [equation 1]
Next, the power in the wires:
Pw1 = Rw1 * sqr(Iw1) = Rw1 * sqr(Ia + Ib) = Rw1 * sqr(Va / Ra + Vb / Rb)
Pw1 = Rw1 * sqr(Va/Ra) + Rw1 * sqr(Vb/Rb) + 2*Rw1*Va*Vb/(Ra*Rb) [equation 2]
The power in the other wires is trivial and:
Pw2 = Rw2 * sqr(Ia) = Rw2 * sqr(Va/Ra) [equation 3]
Pw3 = Rw3 * sqr(Ib) = Rw3 * sqr(Vb/Rb) [equation 4]
The power in the filters can be found:
Pfil-tw = Vfil-tw * Ifil-tw
Since the HF filter cannot drop an HF voltage (it's impedance is 0) it must drop all of the LF voltage (b) remaining at the end of the wires:
Vfil-tw = Vb - Vbw1 - Vbw2 - Vbtw
Note that since the HF filter cannot pass the LF current, wire 2 cannot be carrying any LF current so cannot drop any LF voltage either. Same for the tweeter. Hence Vbw2 = 0 and Vbtw = 0.
Vfil-tw = Vb - Ib*Rw1 - 0 - 0
Vfil-tw = Vb - Ib*Rw1
Vfil-tw = Vb - (Vb/Rb)*Rw1
Vfil-tw = Vb*(1 - Rw1/Rb)
Since the filter cannot pass an LF current:
Ifil-tw = Ia = Va / Ra
Pfil-tw = (Va/Ra)*Vb*(1 - Rw1)/Rb)
Pfil-tw = Va*Vb*(Ra - Rw1)/(Ra*Rb) [equation 5]
In the same way we can calculate the power term for the woofer filter:
Pfil-wf = Va*Vb*(Rb - Rw1)/(Ra*Rb) [equation 6]
We are now in a position to calculate:
Pspeakers = Ptw + Pwf = Pamp - (Pw1 + Pw2 + Pw3 + Pfil-tw + Pfil-wf)
By combining equations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 :
We will do this in 3 steps:
1) gather all the terms of sqr(Va):
k1 = 1/Ra - (Rw1 + Rw2)/sqr(Ra)
2) gather all the terms in sqr(Vb):
k2 = 1/Rb - (Rw1 + Rw3)/sqr(Rb)
3) gather all the terms in Va*Vb:
k3 = (Ra+Rb)/(Ra*Rb) - 2*Rw1/(Ra*Rb) - (Ra - Rw1)/(Ra*Rb) - (Rb - Rw1)/(Ra*Rb)
k3 = (Ra + Rb - 2*Rw1 - Ra + Rw1 - Rb + Rw1)/(Ra*Rb)
k3 = 0 / (Ra*Rb)
k3 = 0
This gives us the expression for the power in the speakers:
Pspeakers = Ptw + Pwf = k1*sqr(Va) + k2*sqr(Vb)
As we can see, since k3 always works out to 0 and neither k1 nor k2 contain any dependencies on Va or Vb, the dissipation in the speakers is just a linear combination of the powers we would expect for an undistorted case.
Let's see what k1 and k2 work out to for the mono and bi-wire cases:
For mono:
Rw = Rw1
Rw2 = Rw3 = 0 so
Ra = Rw1 + Rw2 + Rtw = Rw + Rtw
Rb = Rw1 + Rw3 + Rwf = Rw + Rwf
k1 = 1/(Rw + Rtw) - Rw/sqr(Rw + Rtw)
k2 = 1/(Rw + Rwf) - Rw/sqr(Rw + Rwf)
For the bi-wire case:
Rw1 = 0
Rw2 = Rw3 = Rw so
Ra = Rw1 + Rw2 + Rtw = Rw + Rtw
Rb = Rw1 + Rw3 + Rwf = Rw + Rwf
k1 = 1/(Rw + Rtw) - Rw/sqr(Rw + Rtw)
k2 = 1/(Rw + Rwf) - Rw/sqr(Rw + Rwf)
Surprise surprise...since k1 and k2 are the same the power in the speakers is also exactly the same in both cases! Not even a difference in magnitude. If you use the same wire resistances, obviously. Otherwise there will be a difference in magnitude, but in magnitude ONLY! Nothing that cannot be fixed by turning the amp up a tad.
Note: As a simple sanity check we will put some numbers in our equations as see if they hold up:
Let's say:
Rw1 = 2 ohms
Rw2 = 4 ohms
Rw3 = 8 ohms
Rtw = 12 ohms
Rwf = 16 ohms
Va = 3 V (instanteneous value, not RMS or average or peak)
Vb = 5 V (instanteneous value, not RMS or average or peak)
Ra = 2 + 4 + 12 = 18 ohms
Rb = 2 + 8 + 16 = 26 ohms
k1 = 1/18 - (2 + 4)/sqr(18) = 0.037037
k2 = 1/26 - (2 + 8)/sqr(26) = 0.023669
Pamp = sqr(3) / 18 + sqr(5) / 26 + 3*5*(18+26)/(18*26) = 2.871 W
Pw1 = 2 * sqr(3) / sqr(18) + 2 * sqr(5) / sqr(26) + 2*2*3*5/(18*26) = 0.257 W
Pw2 = 4 * sqr(3/18) = 0.111 W
Pw3 = 8 * sqr(5/26) = 0.296 W
Pfil-tw = 3*5*(18 - 2)/(18*26) = 0.513 W
Pfil-wf = 3*5*(26 - 2)/(18*26) = 0.769 W
Pspeakers = 0.037037*sqr(3) + 0.023669*sqr(5) = 0.925 W
And indeed:
2.871 = 0.257 + 0.111 + 0.296 + 0.513 + 0.769 + 0.925