Real House Of Horrors!



Audioholic Ninja
I've been sporadically following this story for the last couple of days, it's almost too horrible to be real. Austrian father locks daughter in basement for 24 years and repeatedly rapes her, has various kids with her. I'm stunned.:mad::(

HERE'S MORE:,2933,353338,00.html

Now you know this guy would never be executed. And Austria's president saying he's shocked this would happen in Austria, that reeks of arrogance, I guess it can only happen here.


Audioholic Ninja
I've been following it a bit over the last few days too. I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around it.

The Dukester

Audioholic Chief
I read the original story but can't bring myself to keep track of it as I find it disgusting and hard to believe.:mad: How can a parent do that to their own child?:confused:


Audioholic Samurai
Holy mother of god... that is truly despicable.


Audioholic Ninja
I read the original story but can't bring myself to keep track of it as I find it disgusting and hard to believe.:mad: How can a parent do that to their own child?:confused:

I'm parent, man I've been distraught over this, really saddened, angry, disgusted, ther's only one word to describe that man: evil. He should be hung.


Audioholic Chief

I'm parent, man I've been distraught over this, really saddened, angry, disgusted, ther's only one word to describe that man: evil. He should be hung.
That's the easy way out. He needs worse.
Tom Andry

Tom Andry

Speaker of the House
There are some things I wish I could "un-know"... this is one of them.


Full Audioholic
I agree with wishing I could "un-know" this as well...and you're right, he deserves to die. However, that may be to easy of a punishment. Perhaps the most violent prison on earth (wherever that may be) would be a better place for him...I doubt he'd last long.


Audioholic Samurai
It is cases like this that makes me often wish our judicial system allowed for a more open approach in doling out punishments, ala the old 'Eye for an Eye' concept, or 'Do unto, as has been done'. He should be forced to endure as much pain and abuse himself as he has caused this poor girl.

Then be put to death... painfully.


Audioholic Ninja
I've been sporadically following this story for the last couple of days, it's almost too horrible to be real. Austrian father locks daughter in basement for 24 years and repeatedly rapes her, has various kids with her. I'm stunned.:mad::(

HERE'S MORE:,2933,353338,00.html

Now you know this guy would never be executed. And Austria's president saying he's shocked this would happen in Austria, that reeks of arrogance, I guess it can only happen here.
I think the president was shocked by the story. It is rather shocking, no matter where it happens. It is common, no matter where such things happen, for the authorities, as well as other people generally, to express shock that it happened near them. Think about what local mayors and such say when their small town has such a thing; often, people express shock that such things would happen "here". So if you are right and it is arrogance that is the cause of expressing shock that such a thing would happen in one's home area, it is very common for people to have such arrogance.

Besides, here in America, we have more sick freaks than anyone. AMERICA IS NUMBER ONE!!! Whoo-hoo!!!

Anyway, I was trying to forget about this story. Thanks a lot for reminding me of it.

To the moderators: Is there an "ignore list" to filter out such things at this site?


Audioholic Ninja
It is cases like this that makes me often wish our judicial system allowed for a more open approach in doling out punishments, ala the old 'Eye for an Eye' concept, or 'Do unto, as has been done'. He should be forced to endure as much pain and abuse himself as he has caused this poor girl.

Then be put to death... painfully.
I don't think abusing such people would serve any useful purpose. Do you really want to do disgusting things like that? Certainly, though, he should never be free again. And I doubt he ever will be.


Audioholic Samurai
I don't think abusing such people would serve any useful purpose. Do you really want to do disgusting things like that? Certainly, though, he should never be free again. And I doubt he ever will be.
To him and those like him? You're god d**m right. No bones about it, end of story.

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