Like Dave said, we're not all geniuses, but hey if you can help, why not? And to be frank any newbie or "more informed" person can just access all the info posted on the home page and get all they need without coming to the forums. The forum(s) is basically opinions from different folks, don't expect it to be in the same class as J Neutron or OH!! MY!!! CRON!!! (substitute Janice-from-friends-voice) as these guys are EEs, 90% of the folks on this site couldn't get into the heavy science of A/V. Fortunately this hobby is comprised of many facets, first and foremost the people, followed by gear and lastly technical issues that most of us wouldn't be able to digest, so Sheep is right, in a sense albeit theoretically, but a first grader coming to Einstein for knowledge will be overwhelmed, you first start at the bottom and work your way up, as for the humor, oh well it's what makes this place interesting. Does this diminish the hobby in any way?