Hate Crimes against Geeks on the Rise



Audioholic Samurai
Now that's an insult to us cavemen, we wouldn't want to be associated with that monster in any way.:D
LOL... yeah I know just funnin' with ya. I just came off a lenghty response about Monster Cable so it was still fresh on my mind. :D


Audioholic Warlord
May the force be with you all

Anyone to join my new church ?
But we're not wearing black robes !!!


Full Audioholic
I always stuck up for people who were being picked on in school. It makes me sad to see how cruel people act to others who are different.

I believe any voilent crime is a hate crime. Crime on victims beause thay are in a certain social group shouldnt be catagorized any differently than someone who has been mugged or a victim of road rage.

Same here.

?Huh? If someone is attacking you or your family or friend and you go after them, is that a hate crime?


I used to bully people back in school. Though I use the term roughly. I never extorted anyone, or tried to get anything out of it. I simply enjoyed causing people pain. Sadistic? Perhaps. More like I had many issues at home I was coping with and venting in an environment which I could easily dominate.

I find it absolutely silly however to paint the picture that bullies are somehow Jocks, or the popular kids. Or that bullies are somehow mentally handicapped when compared to the bullied. Physical aggression is by no means an indication of impaired mental capacity.

Does this constitute a hate crime? I think not. It constitutes a dumb@ss crime. As far as unreal.freak's comments concerning all violent acts as hate crimes - thats silly. Any number of factors can contribute to violence, as far ranging as alcohol/substance abuse to fear. To sum up the entire spectruum of violent acts as hate orientated crimes is ignorant, and refuses to deal with the complexities, and the potential resolutions to such acts.

But then, I'm just the dumb jock. ;)

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