

Audioholic General
I like some New Glarus beers. I buy Spotted Cow the most. That's a cream ale. I also like their Uff-Da bock.

There are some excellent brewers in Wisconsin. Next door in Middleton, we have the Capital Brewery which is sort of a German/American style. I had a couple of Maibocks tonight.

There's also Tyranena Brewery in Lake Mills which does an excellent IPA and has a few others I like.

I'm also a big fan of German, Belgian, English, Irish and some Mexican beers which are pretty much German beers.



Senior Audioholic
Soon, I better buy tequila, vodka, wine or cognac than beer here in State of California. The state politicians are planning to raise beer taxes up to 1,500 percent.


Higher state tax on beer?
By Mike Zapler
Mercury News Sacramento Bureau
Article Launched: 04/11/2008 01:34:17 AM PDT

SACRAMENTO - Joe Six-pack will have to pay a lot more to get his buzz on if Assemblyman Jim Beall has his way.

The San Jose Democrat on Thursday proposed raising the beer tax by $1.80 per six-pack, or 30 cents per can or bottle. The current tax is 2 cents per can. That's an increase of about 1,500 percent.

Beall said the tax would generate $2 billion a year to fund health care services, crime prevention and programs to prevent underage drinking and addiction.

"The people who use alcohol should pay for part of the cost to society, just like we've accepted that concept with tobacco," Beall said.

He added that the beer tax hasn't been touched since 1991, and the increase then was meager.

But the freshman lawmaker will have to lift the legislative equivalent of a full keg of beer over his head to get his tax enacted. That's because it would require a two-thirds vote in the Assembly and Senate - and then, because it's a constitutional amendment, it would have to be approved by voters. Republicans say it's a non-starter.

"I predict the shelf life will be very short," said Assemblyman Roger Niello, R-Sacramento, vice chairman of the budget committee. "It's a piecemeal approach to the budget that completely avoids any discussion of spending discipline, which is fundamentally why we have the problem that we have."

Mike Fox Sr., chairman of San Jose-based beer distributor M.E. Fox & Co., said Beall's heart is in the right place. "He's very dedicated in areas of health," Fox said. "But a tax of that nature is far too grievous. The beer industry produces so much for the economy. He won't get to first base with that."
Dan Gordon, co-founder of Gordon Biersch Brewing Co., calculated that the tax on a barrel of beer would go from $6.40 to $89. "We would all be looking for jobs," he said.

Beall said he's targeting beer because his research showed that California undertaxes brew relative to other states, which he said isn't the case with wine and spirits. But it's also true that taking on the beer lobby will be hard enough for Beall, without letting it team up with the wine and spirits industries.

Beall, a former Santa Clara County supervisor, has focused heavily on underage drinking during his time in Sacramento. He is pushing legislation that would require the sweet alcoholic malt beverages known as "alco-pops" to include warning labels clearly stating that they contain alcohol.

And last year, Beall lobbied successfully to persuade the state Franchise Tax Board to tax "alco-pops" at the rate assessed to hard liquor products instead of beer - a move that was expected to raise the price of a six pack by about $2. The increase is scheduled to go into effect later this year.

That effort, however, did not require a two-thirds vote in the Legislature.


Full Audioholic
About the best micro brew I've had in the Dakotas came from Sconsin! Lienencugles or however the heck you spell it, but their heney weiss is pretty good.


If you ever come to Houston , Texas ...

Try St. Arnold's

It is a local Micro Brewery, large for a Micro Brewery, that markets in local stores. They have about ten varieties, some are seasonal, with their main one being Amber. They have a light one called "Lawnmover" which is a light beer with flavor. It get's the name for the beer you have in the back of the refrigerator that you want to drink to refresh you after mowing the lawn. I like Micholob Ultra and Lawnmower is like it but with more flavor.

The two best seasonals are "Christams Ale" (10 percent alcohol) and "Stout".

They have a tour at ther brewery every Saturday at 1 pm. It used to be free, but now it costs $5.00 and they give you a souvenier glass. If 21 or older thay give you four tokens, each one good for a beer. They sell memorabelia and if you pruchase one of their beer glasses ( $7-$15) each token gets you about a pint of beer.

Great beer ,great tour if you are ever in Houston!

P.S.- The brewery is not air-conditioned, only fans, so hot summer is not the most desireable time.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
My days of trying new beer are over. I have permanently given it up (along with any other form of alcohol.) When I did drink, however, my all-time favorite was Chimay Ale (brewed and bottled in a Belgian monestary.)


Full Audioholic
I like going to places like "Old Chicago" and "Growler's" b/c they have world beer tours that you can take part in. You get your name up on a plaque if you finish all 110 beers or more that are on the tours :) Good times!

Interesting aside-an engineering professor at my college had his name up on the wall 9 times at the local Old Chicago restaurant (so over 990 beers!). Freaking awesome!


Senior Audioholic
For those that like IPA, my favorite is O'Dell's from Ft. Collins, Colordo.

Other exceptional IPAs include Stone IPA and Mendocino Brewing's White Hawk. I also had a bomber recently of Ninkasi's IIPA, which was very good (their "regular" IPA wasn't nearly as tasty as the IIPA). I had a number of other bombers while I was in Oregon (I think all were West Coast brews), and none were better than the stuff I've already listed. That's all my humble opinion, of course. I just love IPAs!

At the other end of the spectrum, I have Shipyard's IPA in my fridge right now, and I told my wife it's the worst IPA I've ever had. Yuk.

I also recently had Rogue's Dead Guy Ale, which I really enjoy, and Deschute's Brewing's IPA, which is "OK".


Couple of years' work

I like going to places like "Old Chicago" and "Growler's" b/c they have world beer tours that you can take part in. You get your name up on a plaque if you finish all 110 beers or more that are on the tours :) Good times!

Interesting aside-an engineering professor at my college had his name up on the wall 9 times at the local Old Chicago restaurant (so over 990 beers!). Freaking awesome!
I guess he has been at it a couple of years. Wal-mart checked my ID yesterday, it was great too instantly be 39 years younger. LOL they have a policy to check anyone under 40 and the cashier said he could tell. :rolleyes:

In my college days there were only two beers; Coors and Budwiser. There were no lights, slects, premiums, ultras , etc. :p


Audioholic Chief
My favorite New Glarus is Spotted Cow. Wisconsin has some great microbreweries. I really like Tyranena and Sprecher, too. Capital Brewery is OK. And so is Lakefront Brewery. Whew. Just too many to mention.

About the best micro brew I've had in the Dakotas came from Sconsin! Lienencugles or however the heck you spell it, but their heney weiss is pretty good.
Leinenkugels. Not sure they're a true micro-brew. Miller owns them now and they have two breweries. The one in Chippewa Falls and they bought the Blatz computerized facilities in Milwaukee.


Audioholic Chief
I generally keep Warsteiner in my fridge. But, I drink a lot of different brews, generally from southern Germany...a few from Bavaria like Hofbräuhaus. I also tend to have a taste for white beers in the summer, Hoegaarden (which is Czech) is a common outdoor one for me. I also like some American beers, especially 312 out of Chicago.

I won't even drink Bud Light and that **** anymore. I'd rather have a Coke.


Audioholic Chief
For those that like IPA, my favorite is O'Dell's from Ft. Collins, Colordo.

Other exceptional IPAs include Stone IPA and Mendocino Brewing's White Hawk. I also had a bomber recently of Ninkasi's IIPA, which was very good (their "regular" IPA wasn't nearly as tasty as the IIPA). I had a number of other bombers while I was in Oregon (I think all were West Coast brews), and none were better than the stuff I've already listed. That's all my humble opinion, of course. I just love IPAs!

At the other end of the spectrum, I have Shipyard's IPA in my fridge right now, and I told my wife it's the worst IPA I've ever had. Yuk.

I also recently had Rogue's Dead Guy Ale, which I really enjoy, and Deschute's Brewing's IPA, which is "OK".

Haha, yeah, IPAs are great. Kona Brewing company makes a GREAT IPA... called "Castaway".... unfortunetly they only sell it at their brewery on draft..so, you gotta go to the big island of Hawaii to try it. The staff is really friendly (and very stoned...very stoned) there too. So, if your ever in those parts, drop by, it's a must for an IPA lover!

Oh yeah, I agree about Shipyard. It finishes nasty.


Full Audioholic
I tried a new beer (an Ale rather) tonight from a regional brewer, New Glarus Brewing Co. New Glarus, WI. http://www.newglarusbrewing.com/

The flavor is called Organic Revolution. It is 100% bottle fermented. It is 100% great! I was skeptical about it at first, but I am very happy I tried this six-pack. If you are located near Wisconsin, give it a try. I give it 4 out of 5 stars. Great flavor, very smooth.

In all reality, I have yet to have a bad beer from this brewer. I hope they continue to do well. Great product(s)!!

Alrighty then.

I bought some Organic Rev. last night.

Excellent brew. Truly great. I may even like it more than their Spotted Cow, which is saying something as that is one of, if not the favorite brew of mine.


Audioholic Samurai
Got an Organic in my hand right now.

Very good.

I'm not sure if I'd put it above Spotted Cow though.


Audioholic Ninja
I had a Maudite today while watching some Toronto Blue Jays baseball. It is a beer brewed by Unibroue inc. in Quebec. It is bottle fermented and has an 8% alcohol content...good stuff!...the beers brewed by Unibroue are top notch....another micro brewery I like is Mill Stret brewery out of Toronto, Ontario. Their Tankhouse ale is delicious, if you like really hoppy beers you would love this:D.


Audioholic Ninja
I was always kind of curious about how many of you guys drink and post. :eek:
Not that there's anything wrong with that. :)
Don't you know there is a three drink minimum before your first post of the day? And, of course, the maximum drinking allowed is the amount it takes to make you physically unable to type.


Audioholic Ninja
My days of trying new beer are over. I have permanently given it up (along with any other form of alcohol.) When I did drink, however, my all-time favorite was Chimay Ale (brewed and bottled in a Belgian monestary.)
I hope this won't get me banned, but have you completely lost your mind? Why on earth would anyone stop drinking when they found such nectar of the gods as Chimay Ale? Chimay Ale is great. I'll give up beer when they pry the bottle from my cold, dead fingers.

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