Hehe, I hope you didn't pay much for your modification
Since it seems to be drawing attention, I will again draw everyone's attention to Denon's Region-free command. The 2930CI and the 3930CI are shipped in North America as NTSC/PAL Region 1 machines; however, Denon lets you easily deactivate the Region-detection and make the units able to play any DVD on Earth. It's not a "hack" nor a warranty-voiding "mod," it's a built-in process on all of the machines that anyone can access if they wish. Instructions as follows:
1. Remove any disc currently in the unit.
2. With the unit on (green light, not red), power off using the front panel On/Off button (not standby).
3. Press and hold Stop and Still/Pause buttons on the front panel (not remote).
4. Keep the above buttons held and Power-up the player using the On/Off button, hold the above buttons for steps 5 and 6:
5. Wait until the unit finishes LOADING and the front panel of the player shows 0:00:00.
6. On the remote handset, press in sequence; 7 3 1 9 4 6 2 8
7. The unit should enter standby mode. On the front panel of the player, press the Standby button to turn the unit back on.
8. To confirm the update, press Stop and Skip Forward (>>I) simultaneously on the front panel . The front panel will briefly display "Region_A1."