First Outdoor Ride of the Year

adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Wahoo it was finally a warm enough day that was dry. I only got out for 25miles but it felt great. I am very sick of the trainer and coach Troy. We have had a ton of snow this winter which was great for the skiing but I am so ready for spring. It had not warmed up until the last couple of days. We had several inches of snow last week and one day that only made it to 10.

Anyone else here a cyclist? I ride mainly road now. Used to do BMX and Mt. Bike but too many crashes over the years and not trusting myself not to still do stupid things I am doing a little road racing.

I'm on a team that is comprised of road, mt and tri athletes. We have an Iron Man up the road in Lake Placid so it is a very good atmosphere for riding.

I have a custom Ti Seven that I purchased before my daughter was born. Very nice ride and nothing fits like a custom frame.

If you ride what kind do you do? What do you ride?


Senior Audioholic
I mountain bike, three times a week in the summer.

Galbraith Mountain is where I ride since its right out my back door.

Check out the gallery, here I am plowing through a puddle years ago on my old bike.

Here I am just a couple years ago catching a little air

Here is the rest of my crew, and an idea of the spectacular area I live and ride in.

Used to do BMX and Mt. Bike but too many crashes over the years and not trusting myself not to still do stupid things I am doing a little road racing.
Interesting as I used to road bike and some of the worst injuries I ever had was on my roadbike. Messed up my knee and was out for a whole season, that was the last time I road on pavement.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Great shots.:) I have not been fortunate enough to get to ride out west. Looks great.

I see what you are saying about injuries. I have had knee issues on my road bike that I never had on a mt bike but no more concussions.;)


Senior Audioholic
I mt bike 2-3 time a week here in Colorado Springs. Mostly at Palmer Park since it is so close. Also cheat and get up to Keystone once or twice a year. In response to the comment about crashes, I have had some really bad ones - both mountain and road. I now wear body armor when I mt bike.

I have gotten a couple of rides in, but it snowed here again today. Hope to get out Sunday.


Senior Audioholic
I'm mainly a roadie and have gone on several week long organized rides out here in the west (Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Utah). They are a blast. I love mtn biking whenever I go I just don't get out like I used to.

This fall I plan on doing some cyclo-cross racing which will require a third bike :( which my wife totally supports but why I can't talk her into a new subwoofer that would be half the cost of a new bike is beyond me.

I ride a Trek 5900 for my roadie and Kona Dawg-Deluxe for my mtn bike.
Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer

Audioholic Field Marshall
I go back and forth between the mountain bike and the road bike depending on mood and/or if someone I know wants to go for a ride. I prefer mtb, but its much easier to to do the roadie because i'm in the city.

I haven't had a chance to get out this year at all, this is the first winter in years I didn't ride the rollers much, maybe 30 min all winter. I feel a road bike ride (20mile) coming up soon.

I also use my old ht mtb to commute all summer (at least above ~35 degrees and dry) 13mi roundtrip w/knobbies. And to go to the store and generally tool around.

mtb: Santa Cruz Blur
road: Specialized Allez something
city: Trek 6700
Car: Isuzu Amigo (maybe 3K miles in last 4-5 years:eek:)

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
I ride a hybrid. Mostly I do the 10 mile loop around the lake by my apartment. Riding anywhere other than a bike path in this city would be suicidal.
(I miss Eugene, OR in a big way for riding. It had bike lanes and bike paths everywhere, mountains for getting in serious shape, and gorgeous scenery for motivation.)


Full Audioholic
Cool! Cyclists on Audioholics!
I am a roadie, ride a Trek 5000, and am SO looking forward to getting outside. We had the Second snowiest winter EVER here in milwaukee, so spring fever is hitting. I try to get in 150-200 miles/week, mostly solo. this season is going to be challenging as we had our first child last August, so finding time is going to be tough.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Yup the first year after a little one can put a serious dent in riding time. I found that making a schedule with your wife will make it easiest. That way she can make sure she gets time to work out and you will still be getting in riding time.

I started commuting much more as well to get more time in. Two rides a day can really make you stronger and it seems to put less of a dent in time away from the family.


Full Audioholic
I might have to try commuting, I have about ten miles to ride to work. The only issues are; the not so good part of town is between home and work, and I have to drop the kid off at the sitters every morning-at least until the school year is over. the good thing is my wife is completely behind me riding, and we also have a Chariot Cougar Carrier, and she(daughter) loves the 30-45 minute jogs that I have taken her on, so 1-hour evening rides with her will probably happen fairly often, and will be a better workout for me!


Senior Audioholic
I am looking at the same "dent" in my riding time starting in 2-4 weeks (wife is due April 26th). However, my wife is very supportive of me getting out and we have already started talking about "the schedule of life" once the little one arrives.

Didn't list my bikes earlier
mtb: Santa Cruz Blur LT
road: Douglas Fusion

If anyone is in Colorado Springs (or visiting) we typically mt bike Wed evenings and Sat mornings. Easy group (especially since we are all out of shape right now :rolleyes:)


Full Audioholic
road: Douglas Fusion

If anyone is in Colorado Springs.......
Thats funny, I was just looking at the latest Colorado Cyclist Catalog.
How do you like the Douglas? I know they look decent, but I haven't heard much about them.


Senior Audioholic
Its an in house brand, hence why you will not hear much about them. I am by no means a serious roadie - generally go as conditioning for mt biking. I like the bike. Rides well. The fork and seat stays are carbon which takes some on roughness out of the ride. Ultegra all around, so good groupo. Overall, I have been pleased with the bike and Colorado Cyclist is a good shop. They build the best wheel set, bar none. I mail ordered a set of mt wheels from them in 1995 and rode them for 8 years - never needed to be trued. And I ride hard. Had them rebuilt in 2004, right before my bike got stolen (and hence the new Santa Cruz :D). Got the old bike back, but not after the Santa Cruz had been ridden a couple of times and therefore could not be returned (oh darn).

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
If conditioning is your goal, ride a junker. I have never been in better shape than when I was riding a beat-up Huffy from a garage sale.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
If conditioning is your goal, ride a junker. I have never been in better shape than when I was riding a beat-up Huffy from a garage sale.
So true. Its like when you go to a weekly ride and two new guys show up. One decked out in the latest gear and a 5k+ bike and another in a torn pair of wool shorts and a 74 Motobecane. Guess which one will kick your a$$.
Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer

Audioholic Field Marshall
If conditioning is your goal, ride a junker. I have never been in better shape than when I was riding a beat-up Huffy from a garage sale.
I put knobby 2.1 mtb tires on my commuter for just that reason. But it depends on the distance. I know people who ride ~30miles each way to get to work. Both are on road bikes.



Full Audioholic
I ride a hybrid as well, Trek 7500 I believe. 15-30 mile rides are about what I prefer to do. Haven't had a chance to get out yet this year-moving into a new house saps a lot of time :(

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
I put knobby 2.1 mtb tires on my commuter for just that reason. But it depends on the distance. I know people who ride ~30miles each way to get to work. Both are on road bikes.

I never commuted on the POS Huffy mountain bike, but I did do a fair number of 50+ mile rides on it (I was underemployed at the time, as well as living in Oregon, which is exceptionally bike friendly.) Some serious climbs, too (eg gaining 1,000 feet in 1 mile of road in high gear with a 25 lb weight plate in a backpack.) I retired it after putting over 20,000 miles on it (not bad for $20.:D)


Full Audioholic
For conditioning haul around a kid, tried out the carrier this weekend, and it was quite the workout!:eek:


Senior Audioholic
I'll be pulling the kid soon and will get to feel the burn. The Douglas is a good bike - we used our tax returns one year to get them. I won't tell you what my Santa Cruz Blur LT cost :eek: - but, boy is it a sweet ride!

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