I have had this home theatre integrated amp/receiver for about 2 years. In the last 6 weeks I have started getting waves of static pops at relatively low level, though sometimes they get a bit louder. It is most notable when playing CD's.
I have ruled out individual CDs. I ruled out the CD player (replaced it, then realized it was not the CD player). Ruled out the CD cables to the Yamaha (replaced them). Ruled out the speakers and speaker wires (affect L and R channels on multiple sets of speakers. Ruled out a a speaker splitter box since the problem also happens on the main speakers that are direct off the Yamaha unit, ruled out idea that power transformers to various devices near the unit (wireless router, cable modem, etc) could be failing and affecting the Yamaha somehow, by progressively unplugging the devices and verifying the distortion did not abate).
Has anyone else had a similar problem with this unit? any ideas?