Electric Bill Nightmares Here!!!!!!



Audioholic Overlord
Hi peeps. Just thought I would mention that I just got my electric bill and about had a heart attack!!!!!!! :eek::eek: Sure, it was only $188 dollars BUT I just paid off a $400 bill from last month that carried over to this month. This means that I received (2) bills this month because the city claims "they were a little late" getting our bills out to us consumers. Still yet, I am moving very soon and have to have them read out which means there will be another $180 plus dollar electric bill still to pay. So, just asking if there are any other forum members here feeling the pain I am???? Of course, we all are getting hit hard at the gas pumps but imho this is beginiing to get carried away with and just flat-out crazy. Something needs to be done quickly. Any suggestions?? :D:D


Consider yourself lucky

Hi peeps. Just thought I would mention that I just got my electric bill and about had a heart attack!!!!!!! :eek::eek: Sure, it was only $188 dollars BUT I just paid off a $400 bill from last month that carried over to this month. This means that I received (2) bills this month because the city claims "they were a little late" getting our bills out to us consumers. Still yet, I am moving very soon and have to have them read out which means there will be another $180 plus dollar electric bill still to pay. So, just asking if there are any other forum members here feeling the pain I am???? Of course, we all are getting hit hard at the gas pumps but imho this is beginiing to get carried away with and just flat-out crazy. Something needs to be done quickly. Any suggestions?? :D:D
My air conditioner off-month bills run $200. I am dreading this summer:mad:

Try CFLs or LEDs and unplug every charger when not in use! Turn-off Turn-off!


Audioholic Chief
Our time is coming, too. Summer power bills peak around $250 for me but the winter is much lower.I think last month was just $125 or so. The pool pump is likely 35-40 dollars a month. Next year the fuel prices will likely drive the cost up big time.


Audioholic Overlord
What are you running in your house?
Hey Furry not much really. I live alone and don't even own a dryer. I only wash a couple of loads of laundry each week AND I hardly ever use my oven. My hot water heater is not turned up real high either. My local provider raised rates here last March 10.5% and then again on Sept. 1st by another 10.5%. Still yet, my trask pick-up went up $4 more dollars which is also billed to my electric bill. Believe it or not, the city here is already asking for another 10% increase. I mean when is it ever going to end? To make matters worse, all it does here is rain, rain, rain, rain, and more rain. Rain tonight, tomorrow, the next day, all week, every single day. I have never ever seen anything like it in all of my 40 years here on this Earth. I mean we get a day of sunshine or a half day then weeks on end of rain. Lots of severe weather, tornadoes, high winds, and etc. Then, it has been very cold especially for this time of year here. Seems like it is never going to end-just more of the same. Guess, I am a bit stressed out here. Sorry, if I come across too strong. :p:p


Audioholic Overlord

My air conditioner off-month bills run $200. I am dreading this summer:mad:

Try CFLs or LEDs and unplug every charger when not in use! Turn-off Turn-off!
I have cut back on everything. I admit it has been cold so had to run my heat. But, I do that every year and my bill never spikes like this. I believe they charge you an X amount of use-age whether or not you use it. They claim they don't BUT I don't believe them.


Audioholic Overlord
I pay between 250 and 400 bucks a month. I refuse to be hot or cold in my house and I turn it up or down as I see fit.

For reference, I require it to be 69 degrees when I sleep.


Audioholic Overlord
We hit some $300+ last summer and my bro-in-law's house topped $500/month.
Ouch!!!! Now, this post makes me feel a little better. :p:p At least, seeing I am NOT the only one sweating pellets. :eek::eek:


Audioholic Overlord
Our time is coming, too. Summer power bills peak around $250 for me but the winter is much lower.I think last month was just $125 or so. The pool pump is likely 35-40 dollars a month. Next year the fuel prices will likely drive the cost up big time.
Yeah, I am kinda dreading the high bills normally associated with summer use-age.


HT Solar and Wind Power convertor

Hey Furry not much really. I live alone and don't even own a dryer. I only wash a couple of loads of laundry each week AND I hardly ever use my oven. My hot water heater is not turned up real high either. My local provider raised rates here last March 10.5% and then again on Sept. 1st by another 10.5%. Still yet, my trask pick-up went up $4 more dollars which is also billed to my electric bill. Believe it or not, the city here is already asking for another 10% increase. I mean when is it ever going to end? To make matters worse, all it does here is rain, rain, rain, rain, and more rain. Rain tonight, tomorrow, the next day, all week, every single day. I have never ever seen anything like it in all of my 40 years here on this Earth. I mean we get a day of sunshine or a half day then weeks on end of rain. Lots of severe weather, tornadoes, high winds, and etc. Then, it has been very cold especially for this time of year here. Seems like it is never going to end-just more of the same. Guess, I am a bit stressed out here. Sorry, if I come across too strong. :p:p
The New Solar and Wind power Convertor UPS/Storage device for HTs is what you need they can save you a ton on your electric bills and allows you to run your HT all the time. The economy version still provides 1.5 KVA, but the best valaue for the money is the 3.0 kva because in a pince you can run you frig and microwave off of it.


Audioholic Chief
He did not mention he runs seven 1000 watt Crown amplifiers 24/7.:D

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
My electric bill was $53 this month. $40 is average.


Audioholic Overlord
I pay between 250 and 400 bucks a month. I refuse to be hot or cold in my house and I turn it up or down as I see fit.

For reference, I require it to be 69 degrees when I sleep.
Hi Greg. Glad you got that job btw. Just finished reading most of your thread. I too like to stay warm in the Winter and cool in the Summer. However, I may just have to learn how to get by being a bit chilly or warmer depending on the respective time of year. Otherwise, I am going to stay broke all of the time. I don't make much money. The jobs here pay about $7 an hour if you are lucky.


Audioholic Overlord
He did not mention he runs seven 1000 watt Crown amplifiers 24/7.:D
LOL...........wished I could afford them. The Crowns are nice. Oh well, maybe some day eh? Just not today. :p:p


Audioholic Overlord
It would be smart of us to conserve more but I am just not willing to be uncomfortable at home. I am lucky that I picked a career in the Medical Field so I have a decent "worst case scenerio" fall back job. We are going to spend less money the next few years since losing my "real job" scared the crap out of me:eek:
Hi Greg. Glad you got that job btw. Just finished reading most of your thread. I too like to stay warm in the Winter and cool in the Summer. However, I may just have to learn how to get by being a bit chilly or warmer depending on the respective time of year. Otherwise, I am going to stay broke all of the time. I don't make much money. The jobs here pay about $7 an hour if you are lucky.


Audioholic Overlord
One-bedroom apartment (and yes, it is all electric.) I always keep the temperature comfortable.
Hey, you are a lucky guy. I used to live in a 1BR apartment. My electric bill was always around $75. But, it was always quite comfortable too. I am a bit hot natured. Good to hear that you can get by so inexpensively.


Audioholic Samurai
Have someone qualified come in and inspect your insulation too, check for leaks, drafts, etc., anywhere in the house where you could be losing A/C and/or heat depending on the time of the year. When I switched to CFL's I noticed a significant reduction on my electric bill. Inside Temperature at my house: 70F. But I also replaced the roof not long ago, and installed light-colored asphalt shingles - I'm sure that has helped down here in the intense Florida sun. We run the laundry machines once a week, dishwasher 2-3 times per week, A/C continuously on auto, set to 70, computer set to standby after 10 minutes, and HT operating pretty much anytime I am at home and awake. :D

Average electric bill? About 150 bucks a month. Not too shabby.

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