If matrixing is so bad, they why are there movies encoded in 5.1 EX? They are meant to be that way, so there is obviously no harm in having some of the surround info sent to the surround back speakers. To each his own, but I've never heard anything odd or bad while using the PLIIx or DD EX decoders on my 7.1 system, I only get a greater surround field. The logarithms used by the decoders are very good, after all the decoders are made by dolby, and you are listening to a dolby digital track most of the time, so I don't see where there would be any problems or issues with sound coming from somewhere it shouldn't.
I wouldn't say using a PLIIx or EX/ES decoder is adding distortion since it's a DSP, it's not like you are using the Cinema DSP found in yamaha receivers, which do add reverb and other undesireable effects, those decoders just redirect some of the sounds to where they ought to be, but aren't. The only difference between PLIIx and the DD EX decoder is that the PLIIx decoder will create a stereo surround back whereas the DD EX decoder plays the same sounds from both rear speakers in a 7.1 setup.
The first 3 Star Wars movies are all encoded in 5.1 EX so if you want to hear them how the director intended them to be, then I guess you need to get a rear center channel and use something with a DD EX decoder, and since the flags don't work proplerly on those discs, you have to manually turn them on, which doesn't add anything artificial to the original DD track.