I got a demo Denon DVD3930CI yesterday and had a hard time getting the multi-channel to work. I want to make sure that I did not miss anything before taking it back to the dealer for help.
For some reason, out of the 5.1 set that I have, the 3930 can only output sound to the FR and FL. All SR, SL and SW are dead silent. I use the the set of RCA cables to connect to my Sony BD player and it worked just fine.
The other strange thing is that the entire page of "audio setup" is grayed out other than the "compression" setting. That means I can's access options under the "audi channel", "digital output", "down sampling", "source direct" and "bass ehancer". Why are they grayed out?
I am getting very frustrated as the only reason I get this equipment is to play SACD, which has to be played using multichannel. Any Denon DVD player (particularly 3930CI) oweners here who can help?
Thanks in advance.