$1000 Subwoofer - Music Only



Audioholic Intern
What would you buy?

Ive tried:
JBL Sub12

Both sucked. I need serious bass but needs to sound clean.


SVS subs

SVS will stomp whatever areas you are trying to cover.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
is that your max budget? sometimes it's cheaper to spend more money the first time.

right here, right now ... the best SQ sub would be the SVS Ultra which starts at 1399 USD + shipping

otherwise buy subs that max out your budget:
from elemental designs, hsu research, velodyne SPL-R, SVS and AV123


Seriously, I have no life.
What would you buy?

Ive tried:
JBL Sub12

Both sucked. I need serious bass but needs to sound clean.
In case you have not read the sticky "myths about subs" at the top of the page, you should. then you will discover, that a good sub will do both music and HT equally well.:D


i might ask what are the mains that is going to be paired with?


What would you buy?

Ive tried:
JBL Sub12

Both sucked. I need serious bass but needs to sound clean.
Do not get a ported sub! I despise them for music! The JL subs are best for music, but out of your price range (I know I'm really helpful). My only adivice is SEALED not ported. If you want clean you want sealed.


Audioholic Chief
SVS PB12+2 subwoofers are still available in textured black on clearance for $1098 plus $99 shipping if you need to fill a large room or just want a lot of power.


If you don’t mind the wait, you can get two AV123 MFW15s for about $1000.


mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
Do not get a ported sub! I despise them for music! The JL subs are best for music, but out of your price range (I know I'm really helpful). My only adivice is SEALED not ported. If you want clean you want sealed.
the world is not black and white. sealed=clean, ported=not clean are myths


the world is not black and white. sealed=clean, ported=not clean are myths
When it comes to music...give me a sealed sub EVERY single time. I've heard countless ported subs and while some sound good, a well made sealed enclosure always sounds better. Find me a ported sub that outperforms a fathom musically and I'll call you liar.


wow, harsh.... im of the same belief, however there are some ported subs that dont have a boomy sound, all be it expensive ones. Most of the ported under 1k ive heard do sound boomy, but setup can help with this. I go back to my question of what mains will be used, as to how hard the sub needs to work and what freq it will be covering for; that and the room can play a major part in the process.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
When it comes to music...give me a sealed sub EVERY single time. I've heard countless ported subs and while some sound good, a well made sealed enclosure always sounds better. Find me a ported sub that outperforms a fathom musically and I'll call you liar.
tell me what ported subs you've listened to. what room frequency measurements you have made for each sub.

but it seems you are not open to discussion.

open your mouth again and I will call you fanboy.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
wow, squeaky clean!

the unbeatable sealed Fathom 113

the half priced dirty sounding ported subwoofer. move 6db for a second unit to match a Fathom in price.
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Audioholic Overlord
tell me what ported subs you've listened to. what room frequency measurements you have made for each sub.

but it seems you are not open to discussion.

open your mouth again and I will call you fanboy.
I have to agree with you Mike on this one. It is generally true a sealed sub does gain some accuracy at this expense of output dynamically speaking with a smoother albeit 12db/octave roll-off. Whereas a ported sub is much more efficient but gives up a bit of accuracy for an increase in output. Hence, a ported sub will also have a much steeper roll-off of 24 db/octave below the tuning frequency depending on the size and shape of the port. In other words, for a sealed sub to play as loud as a ported and all things being equal the sealed sub would require more power. In closing, some ported subs can sound very tight and as musical as a sealed sub with proper in-room placement. Of course, it also depends on the quality of the driver, cabinet, and amp as well as how they are all designed to work together.


I'll dig up some references tomorrow. The fathom has been called the best sub hands down by many, many legit reviewers. I remember seeing several shootouts where the JL walked away as the top sub. In fact I don't recall ever seeing one where it lost. One reviewer replaced his SVS with the JL in his reference system immediately after auditioning it. Call me a Fanboy that's fine. JL audio has 10000x the resources that SVS does. JL manufactures their own components, you pay for quality. SVS may close the gap with cost to performance, but I'd rather not sacrifice. If you go to the audioholics event in Orlando bring an SVS I live just outside Orlando we'll do a sub shootout. Cost no object no one picks the SVS over the JL...JL actually has patents on their subs (as they actually build them) SVS builds boxes not drivers! When you make the box, the driver, and the amp…odds are your components are going to work better together. When SVS stats building their own drivers and amps come talk to me.
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mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
1) JL F113 is a fine sub for what it can do in a small sealed box
2) give ANYBODY (manufacturer or DIY'er) 3000USD (cost of a F113) and they will come out with a ported design that will trump the F113 in THD, GD, PC, FR.
3) subwoofer design is always about tradeoffs.
4) you don't have any measurements to prove that the JL F113 will best ANY ported subwoofer.

why don't you come to where I am and let's do a shootout, I have these:

yes, there's a sealed DD18 in there.


Audioholic Overlord
1) JL F113 is a fine sub for what it can do in a small sealed box
2) give ANYBODY (manufacturer or DIY'er) 3000USD (cost of a F113) and they will come out with a ported design that will trump the F113 in THD, GD, PC, FR.
3) subwoofer design is always about tradeoffs.
4) you don't have any measurements to prove that the JL F113 will best ANY ported subwoofer.

why don't you come to where I am and let's do a shootout, I have these:

yes, there's a sealed DD18 in there.
Hey Mike your room is looking a bit empty..........LOL!!!!!!!:p:p Time for you to put more subs in there. Ha!Ha! :eek::eek: No seriously, that is quite an impressive assortment you have there Mike. Hey, I may need to borrow one in the future. :D:D
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
Hey Mike your room is looking a bit empty..........LOL!!!!!!! Time for you to put more subs in there. Ha!Ha! :eek::eek: No seriously, that is quite an impressive assortment you have there Mike. Hey, I may need to borrow one in the future.
maybe I should get rid of all this and get the ultimate in subwoofers:
JL F113 :rolleyes:

hey I saw the Infinity SW-12 on amazon for 399.

to the OP, sorry for diverting your thread. this is the last time I will reply to codex on your thread. incidentally, I have collected 4 pics from the web that are all very relevant:



Audioholic Overlord
maybe I should get rid of all this and get the ultimate in subwoofers:
JL F113 :rolleyes:

hey I saw the Infinity SW-12 on amazon for 399.

to the OP, sorry for diverting your thread. this is the last time I will reply to codex on your thread. incidentally, I have collected 4 pics from the web that are all very relevant:

Geez Mike this is too funny........:p:p!!!! Oh, btw I decided to not go with the Infinity SW-12 but rather a Mirage Omni S10. It seemed to be a better fit for my needs than the SW-12. Only time will tell.........if ya know what I mean.


1) JL F113 is a fine sub for what it can do in a small sealed box
2) give ANYBODY (manufacturer or DIY'er) 3000USD (cost of a F113) and they will come out with a ported design that will trump the F113 in THD, GD, PC, FR.
3) subwoofer design is always about tradeoffs.
4) you don't have any measurements to prove that the JL F113 will best ANY ported subwoofer.

why don't you come to where I am and let's do a shootout, I have these:

yes, there's a sealed DD18 in there.
One Gotham would smash the whole set...and for about the same price. (Not to mention 1/10 of the headache of proper positioning). I'll quit arguing with you (however I do enjoy it). You did fail to respond to the fact that JL makes their own amplifers, drivers, and boxes. SVS slaps some wood together and rocks some Korean drivers. If only sound quality were 100% depenent on the cabient, SVS would dominate all! If SVS built a 3000 dollar sub, they still wouldn't have the benefit of millions of dollars of research and engineering that JL audio does. How many patents do the drivers on the SVS subs have...? I'd estimate zero. Silly me thinking audio engineers could create a better product than cabient makers! Buy your subs from a carpenter, I'll stick with a legit audio manufacturer. Rock on!
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