Mazer wants to sell AV, not cars



Audioholic Ninja
A couple strolls into a Central Florida auto dealership, A young, well groomed man approaches the couple and dutifully and cheerfully spouses the virtues of every model on the shiny floor. The gentleman ogles the sleek and purposeful sports coupe, while the lady caresses the fender of the luxury-sports sedan with the 19 inch rims and the Pirelli tires.

customer: "what's the best deal you can do on the coupe? You know....the
best percentage?"

salesman: "well you certainly have good taste, this model is loaded with
all the options and it's a bit more costly."

customer: " I tell you what, If you discount 20% off the price right now, I'll
give you a personal check."

salesman: "whoa! 20%? I can't make that call, I'll have to speak to Mr. Mazer
he's the manager."

customer: "sure go see Mr. Mazer, but let him know I'm firm on the 20 and I
have an appointment, so I can't stay around.

salesman: "absolutely sir, please wait in my office, I'll have the receptionist
bring some coffee."

Salesman hurries down a brightly lit corridor to Mazer's office.

Door knocks

Mazer: "yes, come in."

Salesman opens door and hurries inside.

Mazer, sitting behind his monolithic, Frank Lloyd-Wright inspired, cherry desk looks up with glazed eyes and an ashen pallor reflected on his face from the computer screen. "Yes Billy, what can I do for you?"

salesman: "Well boss I've got this big fish outside, but he wants 20% off the coupe."

Mazer: "Billy, did you know that Toshiba is making nukes?"

salesman: "what??!!.....Ahh, no boss, I didn't."

Mazer: "Billy, I'm really concerned about Toshiba handling nuclear material,
after all look what they did with HD DVD."

salesman: "boss this guy is in a hurry, he's not going to wait..."

Mazer: "Billy, did you know Pioneer stopped making their own plasma

salesman: "No boss, ah....I didn't, but getting back to the customer."

Mazer: "Billy, did you know Monster Cables is pure marketing hype?"

salesman: "What?! No way! I have those in my stereo, the guy at Best Buy
told me they're the best!"

Mazer: "No Billy, they're a scam, just like Bose."

salesman: "Bose a scam?!! I don't believe it! This is all wrong boss! Why
are you telling me this?" Suddenly he bolts form Mazer's office
yelling and sobbing, "my world, my world, it has turned upside

Cut to showroom: Gentleman and wife are seen looking at coupe for the last time as they slowly stroll out the door.

At the sound of furious knocking on glass, the would-be client looks over his shoulder without breaking stride and sees the salesman violently beating the glass door as an older, wiser-looking man puts his arm around the shoulder of the despondent salesman as he slowly turns him around and walks him toward the brightly lit corridor.

Back at Mazer's office: Billy is calm now, his face drenched with tears, sitting in one of Mazer's plush Corinthian leather chairs once gifted to him by a certain Mexican fellow that goes by the name Montalban.

Mazer: "Billy, have you heard of Audioholics?'

Billy: "Whaaat! Boss, I didn't know you had a problem! You should have told

Mazer: "no Billy, AUDIOholics, not alcoholics."

Billy: "no boss, I can't say that I have."

Mazer: "Good Billy, very good. Pull up a chair, come around my desk and let
me show you the future." was flashing in Mazer's PC
screen. "Billy, this is AV University, here Billy, you're going to learn all
that's important in life, that's right Billy, here you'll learn how not to
get flimm-flammed, ripped off, or flat lied to. You see Billy, here you'll
learn about amps, formats, speakers, cables, wires, recipes, photos,
food, car racing, Wendy's fish sandwich, Canadians, Floridians, why
plasma isn't really dead, why Toshiba blew HD DVD, why people spend
money on dead software, all this and more Billy, this place is the
depository of all the world's knowledge." Billy stares back at Mazer,
his eyes glassy, two lost orbs in a pool of AV light flickering through
the Dell screen. "Who needs cars," "right boss who needs cars."
Last edited:


Audioholic Samurai
Great short story Strat! I've got a cool idea - what if everyone who replies to your post adds a little more to the story... I'll begin.

Mazer: "Named must your fear be before banish it you can..."

Billy: "But, I'm not afraid..."

Mazer: (pausing reflectively) "You will be..."

Billy: "Well, this is cool and all, but I don't really see the point - I'm perfectly happy with my Bose system and Monster cables from Best Buy--"

At this point, Mazer abruptly reaches over and slaps Billy, hard. The smack is so loud, several co-workers and fellow sales staff outside the office turn around and look at the two.

Billy: "Ow! What did you do that for??"

Mazer: "You have a mission, this is what you are required to do..."


Audioholic Spartan
Mazer: "You have a mission, this is what you are required to do..."
Mazer continues:"...Go outside and get that well-dressed couple that just left our showroom and sell them an SVS subwoofer!!! Then sell them a Rocket system from AV123 and a separates system from Emotiva. You won't get any commission, but the world will be a better place."

Billy: "Mr. Mazer, What the heck is an Emotiva???"
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
After some reflection with his attempt to enlighten his protege on the virtues of life. Sitting in his chair behind his desk, Mazer slaps himself upside the head and realizes the potential of making even more money lies with selling those esoteric brands because people don't haggle over price.:D


Audioholic Ninja
Roooooooll with it guys! Who knows it might turn into an off, off, off Broadway extravaganza, featuring Alec Baldwin as Mazer, Sean Bean as Billy, Jessica Alba as the customer's mistress, Brad Pitt as the customer and finally Britney Spears as the receptionist/floor cleaner. With a special cameo appearance by Mr. Corrrrrrinthian leather himself, Rrrrrricardo Monnnnnntalllllban.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Roooooooll with it guys! Who knows it might turn into an off, off, off Broadway extravaganza, featuring Alec Baldwin as Mazer, Sean Bean as Billy, Jessica Alba as the customer's mistress, Brad Pitt as the customer and finally Britney Spears as the receptionist/floor cleaner. With a special cameo appearance by Mr. Corrrrrrinthian leather himself, Rrrrrricardo Monnnnnntalllllban.
Can we substitute Jessica Simpson for Britney Spears?

There needs to be a middle sub-plot where Mazer goes over to the darkside (think Anakin Skywalker + Bizarro Superman) and starts selling Bose speakers and Monster cables along with the cars at huge mark-ups. There would be a great gratuitous nudity scene where Mazer snorts cocaine off a couple of hookers who are tied up with $175 HDMI cables. (nudity by the hookers of course- not mazer)

He could even snap out of the funk by throwing himself up against an electrified fence- an homage to Robocop 2.


Audioholic Samurai
After some reflection with his attempt to enlighten his protege on the virtues of life. Sitting in his chair behind his desk, Mazer slaps himself upside the head and realizes the potential of making even more money lies with selling those esoteric brands because people don't haggle over price.:D
Meanwhile, there is a commotion outside the door - Mazer looks up with bags under his eyes and a more than slightly disheveled appearance. After all, it is not easy trying to save the world from A/V ignorance.

Why is there something, rather than nothing? He wonders...

He discovers the source of the commotion. A dozen or so fellow sales managers and staff are tripping over themselves outside his window to see what is occuring outside. He looks up just in time to see Billy launch himself at the couple (who are just about to get in their car and drive away), and exercises a perfect form tackle on the man, and the two of them go rolling a$$-end over teakettle into the perfectly landscaped divider between the rows of new cars. Even from this distance, Mazer can see the wild glint in Billy's eyes, and the sheer terror in the man's...

"Oh..." he sighs out loud. Billy had always been the ever-eager young protege - almost too eager at times, and willing to do as instructed, even when it didn't make any sense. Things are about to get interesting. Indeed.


Audioholic Samurai
Can we substitute Jessica Simpson for Britney Spears?

There needs to be a middle sub-plot where Mazer goes over to the darkside (think Anakin Skywalker + Bizarro Superman) and starts selling Bose speakers and Monster cables along with the cars at huge mark-ups. There would be a great gratuitous nudity scene where Mazer snorts cocaine off a couple of hookers who are tied up with $175 HDMI cables. (nudity by the hookers of course- not mazer)

He could even snap out of the funk by throwing himself up against an electrified fence- an homage to Robocop 2.
Things we definitely need in this script: a.) Hot chicks, b.) booze, c.) explosions, and d.) an insane plot twist :D


Audioholic Field Marshall
Things we definitely need in this script: a.) Hot chicks, b.) booze, c.) explosions, and d.) an insane plot twist :D
And definitely some sort of "rock bottom" scene where life goes horrible wrong- think Pink trashing his room in The Wall, Dirk Diggler going on a drug deal, or Mikey making the phone call in Swingers.

This will be followed by a montage (always gotta have a montage) and redemption for Mazer- setting up 1 great sequel, one okay sequel, one pretty good sequel, and one sequel so awful that Ebert's head explodes.


Audioholic Ninja
Great scenarios, I like the idea of Mazer turning to the dark side. I'd like to see him selling contraband BOSE products from the back of a white van. While Billy tries to sort out his life, he attempts suicide by chewing on a green marker that his audiophile friend used on CDs, he ends up in Tampa General emergency with a bad case of diarrhea. Mazer eventually makes it back to sanity by wrestling an alligator who he (in his absinthe induced hallucination) thinks is Jessica Alba...... beating the alligator, he stumbles as he runs from a crowd of PETA militants, he trips and rolls over some construction debris, piercing his buttocks with a dozen roofing nails, this shock coupled with the realization that the gator wasn't Alba snaps him out of his insanity. He makes it back to the car dealership where he finds Billy, in his right mind, selling the coupe to the "customer" (Brad Pitt) and the mistress (Alba.)


Audioholic Field Marshall
Nice incorporation of the absinthe and the alligator... maybe the alligator could be on absinthe too :D

Btw- love the new avatar Strat


Audioholic Ninja
Nice incorporation of the absinthe and the alligator... maybe the alligator could be on absinthe too :D

Btw- love the new avatar Strat
Thanks Adam,

It's a newer portrait, I've had some cosmetic alterations to help with the aging, you know we all can't look 10,000 forever! Yes the gator on absinthe could work, but then a gator on absinthe can become amorous and Mazer also on absinthe, hallucinating the gator is Jessica, well......that can cause some major problems for parties concerned. But that's a whole different can of worms.


Audioholic Chief
I find it only fair to warn all of you that Steven has a signed Soprano's plaque in his kitchen. Don't piss him off or he will cut your heart out and show it to you (or have it done).;)


Audioholic Ninja
I find it only fair to warn all of you that Steven has a signed Soprano's plaque in his kitchen. Don't piss him off or he will cut your heart out and show it to you (or have it done).;)
Well I can incorporate his nefarious friends into the screen play, they can be the ones that supply the illegal green fairie. As for open heart surgery, good plot device, I can have the gator get open heart surgery after Mazer's attack there by starting a PETA vigil at the dealership that drives Billy to hard drink, bringing full circle the mob-green fairie-gator-heart surgery-Billy-green fairie-mob plot line. Good, the plot thickens.


Danger, Danger

Oh Steve, if you're out there......

I've got a brand new bottle with your name on it :eek:



Audioholic Ninja
Hey Mazer, now that you're back.......tell us what happened! I told everyone you would be putting in long hours, but they didn't believe me!


Audioholic Ninja
Oh, and the Major made me do it. Just thought you liked to know. It wasn't my idea, this play/drama thing.

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