Salesmen ruining my fun...



Well I was in Kingston a week or so back and I decided I'd drop in at the local future shop. Any time I get the chance to go into a store with electronics I do, even if don't plan on getting anything.

So naturally, like any Audioholic I find my way towards their speaker section, where a couple of their sales reps are waiting to get right in on your business. I was interested in hearing their Dipolars for surrounds, and I was considering maybe even picking up some Energy RC-R's to go with my otherwise Paradigm system.

It was non-stop with these guys though, switching from speakers to speakers for music. They were running the dipolars as mains in the display to showcase them for me, and kept asking me what I thought and whatnot. I felt like being rude and saying they sound like crap, and that their setup was pathetic - but better judgement got the best of me. Then because I said I was interested in the RC-R's their tactics changed to trying to pressure me into buying them as soon as possible. At which point the topic of wires came up.... and naturally the pitches for Monster started comming in. He claimed on several occassions that he noticed greater frequency response when he upgraded from regular monster wires to their top of the line stuff. At this point I was so sick of their nauseating presence I just up and left. Its such a shame that a wonderful product like Energy isn't getting the kind of exposure they deserve because of shameless salesmen trying to pressure buyers into buying.


Audioholic Spartan
Salesmen at Futureshop generally leave me alone, so I get to play around in the speaker audition room for as long as I want without being bothered. I guess I just don't dress or look like I can afford to buy enough to make a commission worthwhile.


Full Audioholic
Unfortunately, sometimes dressing like that is the best way to be left alone long enough to actually demo some products in certain stores...On the flip side, once you do decide you need some help, it is still hard to get.


Audioholic Spartan
On the flip side, once you do decide you need some help, it is still hard to get.
True, I know a guy who was told at the Porsche dealer that he couldn't afford a Porsche because he was dressed in sweats, 10 year old sneakers (no socks) and a baggy, worn-out, over-sized T-shirt. Couldn't get the time of day. So he went to another Porsche dealer and bought one, cash, then took his bill of sale back to the first dealer and showed the sales manager the sale he lost from his salesman's presumptuousness. The lesson I took from that is if somebody doesn't want to do business with me, screw 'em. I'll vote with my feet and spend my money somewhere else. Simple.:cool:


Full Audioholic
True, very, very true. That's a great story. If only I had the money to go buy a Porsche in the first place...;)


I know its an old cliche, but I just needed to vent :D haha. Personally I don't really want to play Mr. Dressup in order to avoid the salesman. I don't want to avoid the salesman necessarily at all, I just wish they'd give me some breathing room, and not badger me so intently.

Oh well, guess you can't have your cake and eat it too.


Audioholic Ninja
True, I know a guy who was told at the Porsche dealer that he couldn't afford a Porsche because he was dressed in sweats, 10 year old sneakers (no socks) and a baggy, worn-out, over-sized T-shirt. Couldn't get the time of day. So he went to another Porsche dealer and bought one, cash, then took his bill of sale back to the first dealer and showed the sales manager the sale he lost from his salesman's presumptuousness. The lesson I took from that is if somebody doesn't want to do business with me, screw 'em. I'll vote with my feet and spend my money somewhere else. Simple.:cool:
In the early 80s a big time drug dealer walks into Braman Rolls Royce on Biscayne Boulevard, the guy is wearing ripped up jeans, sneakers and a tattered t-shirt, he motions to the sales team on the floor, one salesman ignores him and walks by, another salesman believing the guy was a vagrant sidles up to ask him to leave, but the cowboy ignores him, the cowboy asks the third salesman, a younger less experienced guy, "how mush ju wan for de car?" salesmen looks at him, smiles and says in a pleasant, non-condescending tone, "185,000 dollars," cowboy smiles and says "thas it men, I sought thees cars cos more, ok, get two redy, I be back wis mony, ok? Young salesman says, "sure you come back I'll get two for you, what colors do you want? Cowboy, "ge me a bla one fo me and whi fo my wife." Cowboy shows up two hours later with a duffel bag full of cash, when the other salesman saw the unfolding drama, they leapt like sharks smelling blood, they actually tried to take the sales away from the kid, the cowboy gets really angry and shouts on top of his lungs "any of ju moder ****ers, ges near my fren here,and you'll talk to my other fren in my pocke, ok?" Everyone goes into panic mode, manager comes out, takes cowboy and young sales guy into office, cowboys dumps 400,000 dollars on top of table and says "is this enof?" Manager looks at young sales guy and at cowboy, says "sure that's plenty, your cars will be ready in a few minutes, here let me get you some Cristal. Cowboy turns to young sales guy and says, "heer, dis fo ju, ju nice guy, no have jur hed up jur culo," gives the the young kid 30,000 cash and tells manager, "thas his tip, don fu wi it, ok? And ges hes comision too, I call him in one mons, if he no get comision, I come to tak to ju, ok? And I won be nise, ok?" True story.


Even if it is not true, the mere fact you took the time to write the slang was worth every second of the reading :p haha


Audioholic Ninja
Even if it is not true, the mere fact you took the time to write the slang was worth every second of the reading :p haha
Oh it's true! The cowboy is in jail for life, his cousin use to work with me back in '82 selling very expensive men's clothing. You can imagine the customers I had back then, I had a couple of guys that would fly in every two months from Bogota and spend $20-30 grand on clothing alone.


Audioholic Overlord
I have always found that going in with more knowledge than the salesman is a good bet. Talk over their head for about 5 minutes and they typically lose interest. However, I am younger and they may not view me as a potential buyer in many cases.


Full Audioholic
Fortunately this isn't too hard most of the time, lol. My favorite experience so far was purchasing my Denon 2807 from a Magnolia in BB. The salesman was an ex b/f of my wife (we're only in our 20's), so that was awkward enough. But he was pushing monster cable on me, telling me that I needed a 30' hdmi cable that ran over $300 b/c that is what people "in the industry", like himself (he said this...) used in their setups. I told him that I am his industry as I had just graduated with an electrical engineering degree and that if he wanted to debate cables, I'd be happy to talk. He shutup pretty quick ;)


Audioholic Overlord
Fortunately this isn't too hard most of the time, lol. My favorite experience so far was purchasing my Denon 2807 from a Magnolia in BB. The salesman was an ex b/f of my wife (we're only in our 20's), so that was awkward enough. But he was pushing monster cable on me, telling me that I needed a 30' hdmi cable that ran over $300 b/c that is what people "in the industry", like himself (he said this...) used in their setups. I told him that I am his industry as I had just graduated with an electrical engineering degree and that if he wanted to debate cables, I'd be happy to talk. He shutup pretty quick ;)


Audioholic Spartan
In the early 80s a big time drug dealer walks into Braman Rolls Royce on Biscayne Boulevard, the guy is wearing ripped up jeans, sneakers and a tattered t-shirt, he motions to the sales team on the floor, one salesman ignores him and walks by, another salesman believing the guy was a vagrant sidles up to ask him to leave, but the cowboy ignores him, the cowboy asks the third salesman, a younger less experienced guy, "how mush ju wan for de car?" salesmen looks at him, smiles and says in a pleasant, non-condescending tone, "185,000 dollars," cowboy smiles and says "thas it men, I sought thees cars cos more, ok, get two redy, I be back wis mony, ok? Young salesman says, "sure you come back I'll get two for you, what colors do you want? Cowboy, "ge me a bla one fo me and whi fo my wife." Cowboy shows up two hours later with a duffel bag full of cash, when the other salesman saw the unfolding drama, they leapt like sharks smelling blood, they actually tried to take the sales away from the kid, the cowboy gets really angry and shouts on top of his lungs "any of ju moder ****ers, ges near my fren here,and you'll talk to my other fren in my pocke, ok?" Everyone goes into panic mode, manager comes out, takes cowboy and young sales guy into office, cowboys dumps 400,000 dollars on top of table and says "is this enof?" Manager looks at young sales guy and at cowboy, says "sure that's plenty, your cars will be ready in a few minutes, here let me get you some Cristal. Cowboy turns to young sales guy and says, "heer, dis fo ju, ju nice guy, no have jur hed up jur culo," gives the the young kid 30,000 cash and tells manager, "thas his tip, don fu wi it, ok? And ges hes comision too, I call him in one mons, if he no get comision, I come to tak to ju, ok? And I won be nise, ok?" True story.
Great post. x2 on loving the accent, gives it a real Scarface vibe.


Senior Audioholic
I love being young and having a closet full of T's and warm-up pants. As sad as it is whenever I go out to buy something I make sure I look like A KID. 9 times out of 10 I know more then the sales guy and when I pull out cash to pay they die. I never have to deal with anyone that knows less then me. Sometimes it pays to play the part.


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