Most hardcore gaming moment

The Chukker

The Chukker

Full Audioholic
Okay, I'd like to break this down into three parts: Old School, Middle School, and New School.
Post whatever you think is relevant.

For me:
Old School: Commodore 64 (128)
In high school, my buddy and I used to play Ultima III and we discovered that whenever you killed an enemy whether in the overworld or in the dungeons that it would leave a treasure chest you could open. We also found out that enemies in both realms could not co-exist with a treasure chest. We played the game for weeks without opening a single treasure chest until the entire overworld and all dungeons were completely full of treasure chests and all enemy spawns were exactly a 1x1 square. Wish I could prove this with a screenshot. Eventually we got bored and opened all the treasure chests and the resultant booty and experience made us invincible and the game was essentially a cake walk.

Middle School: N64 (most would argue this is New School but I skipped the whole NES/SNES/Genesis generation of consoles >snore<)
I actually finished Goldeneye 64 with all of the secret stuff unlocked legit -- for those who know this took a lot of dedication and luck, this I can prove with a screenshot if needed. My favorite unlockable: Enemy Rockets -- every enemy in the game is armed with a devastating rocket launcher where if you were clever could get most of them to kill themselves because of the splash damage and line of sight targeting. One mistake though and it was all over ;).

New School: Xbox
I consider myself to be a pretty proficient Halo 1 single player aficionado (not so much 2 or 3); and consider it to be the pinnacle of a console FPS (props to Half-Life 2 btw). Legendary difficulty aside, I actually took the time to replicate all of Randall Glass' exploits including the famous Warthog Launch on Silent Cartographer. More importantly though, this game on Legendary 1p has the uncanny ability to make you feel absolutely bad@ss not just with graphics or sound, but with a perfect user interface, perfect single player weapon balance, and perfect pacing. The first time I finished this game on Legendary I felt like I actually accomplished something not just finished something. Few games can actually claim that without being just difficult or f#$king frustrating (Ninja Gaiden anyone?).

Honorable Mention: Xbox
Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30
Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood

On Authentic. Those without dedication or skill need not apply. :D:D:D

All experiences on all consoles welcome; please post them here!!!


Old School

Completing Toejam and Earl 1 for the Megadrive with all bits found - as you couldn't actually save the game me and my friend stayed up all weekend to do it!

Middle School

Completing Marop Kart 64 on the N64 and completing all the secret reverse tracks. Also getting 100% on Mario 64 and completing Iggy's Wreckin' Balls

New School

Completing Final Fantasy 3 on the DS - even though I have to go to work and minor details like that I still manged to do it in less than a week which for me is good because I put games down and usually don't have a chance to pick them up til about a week later, lol!


Junior Audioholic
Old School: Can't think of anything related to my Atari / Commodore days but on the Snes playing Earthbound and getting the Sword of Kings, was a 1/128 drop off a boss... Took forever to get lol.

Middle School: One time I left my memory card for my PS1 at my buddy's place and he was gone for the weekend, but I rented Resident Evil to play.... So I played through with no saves, I beat half the game the first time and died, and after an hour break of being really mad, I went back at it and beat the whole game... in one weekend lol.

New School: Playing COD4 online and getting almost a whole prestige in one day lol


Full Audioholic

- Wing Commander - Secret Ops. Nothing was better than getting into a Kilrathi Dralthi and covertly going into enemy territory.
- Finishing the entire Bolderdash game on my PC Clone.

- Levelling up every move to max in Shenmue - hours and hours of repetitive button presses in the parking lot. Good thing I had picture in picture so I could watch TV while doing this.
- Getting perfect rounds the entire game in Street Fighter 2 in the arcades.
- Learning the Guile invisible throw bug in Street Fighter 2.
- Getting perfect rounds the entire game in Virtua Fighter 3 in the arcades.
- Learning the Kage freeze bug in VF3.

New School:
- Halo 3 - killed 3 enemies with one sniper shot in Team Slayer.
- Halo 2 - my team was losing the game (schooled, actually) so we decided to line up (in game), walk towards to enemy and sing out The Wheels On The Bus in unison. Man, I don't understand why the guy on the other team got so mad. He was literally cussing and yelling at us. Sheesh.. I know my singing isn't good, but.. still.
- World of Warcraft - Becoming a High Warlord in the old PVP system. Half of year of constant playing. 198 hours played in 7 days during my last week of the grind. Gained 20 lbs, and my sleeping is still not normal after 1.5 years. Total time spent in game - 200 played days. Good thing I quit!


Old school:
Pentium 1
Voodoo 3 3000 Video Card

Game was Red Baron 3d, flying for the Royal Air Force. Shot down the Red Baron for my 83rd victory on 125% realism setting

Mid Years:
Playstation, Metal Gear Solid
Surviving Revolver Ocelots Electrical torture chamber (Without codes of turbo controller) and earning the second ending where Meryl Lives

Current Gaming
Playstation 3
Call of Duty 4 online
Sniping on the Wetworks map and going 28-0, being cursed out by 3 members of the opposing team in the lobby
The Chukker

The Chukker

Full Audioholic
- Halo 2 - my team was losing the game (schooled, actually) so we decided to line up (in game), walk towards to enemy and sing out The Wheels On The Bus in unison. Man, I don't understand why the guy on the other team got so mad. He was literally cussing and yelling at us. Sheesh.. I know my singing isn't good, but.. still.
I don't know how hardcore this is, but it's damn funny; wish I was there to see it :D!
The Chukker

The Chukker

Full Audioholic
Current Gaming
Playstation 3
Call of Duty 4 online
Sniping on the Wetworks map and going 28-0, being cursed out by 3 members of the opposing team in the lobby
...I think I could use you in my clan...:D


Lol, don't know if you've ever visited the Charlie Oscar Delta forums but I;ve psoted one or two sniping guides over there
Tom Andry

Tom Andry

Speaker of the House
While not necessarily "hardcore", one of my defining moments as a gamer was when I got a Commodore 64 for Christmas. My parents had a friend that copied 10 games (ah.. 5.25" floppies... the good ol' days) for me. They hooked up the computer and I started playing. 16 hours later (remember, I was pretty young at the time) I stopped. Hadn't taken a break, eaten, slept ... nothing. I don't even remember stoping to go to the bathroom. Dreamt about Beachhead all night. Probably defines me as a gamer because I always think back to that when I start going overboard again. Way too easy for me.

In retrospect, the reason I don't really like watching professional sports on TV is probably tied into the fact (at least loosely) that my father would make me wait until the game was over before I could play the crappy Atari 2600 game I had just spent 4 weeks allowance on. I don't know if that is hardcore or just sad.

Truly hardcore moments are hard to come by. I got just about everything you could get on RE2 (all outfits/guns/endings) and used to be able to beat the game in about 2 hours (or so I remember). I beat Rygar on NES so many times I think it constituted abuse. There was a time where I could do every fatality, babalities, friendships, and all that on MK2.

Great topic BTW


Junior Audioholic
There was a time where I could do every fatality, babalities, friendships, and all that on MK2.
Ditto on that, still thought it was the most ridiculous thing lol, giving someone a cake at the end of utter chaotic physical abuse. But was funny, and Baraka when turned into a baby was incredibly funny.

Also forgot to mention, seeing as everyone is making me remember my Commodore 64, I had probably... 60 games on it , all copied, never got into the tape aspect of it, just the floppies. Had a couple games that you took out the big memory card (I think it kind of was..) at the back of the key board, IIRC, and put in a red/blue one for different games. Still remember discovering Strip Poker in the floppies... what a world that opened me up too hah.
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Senior Audioholic
Adam by Coleco Vision. I had Zaxxon, Popeye and Star Trek on magnetic tapes and a bunch of other games on cartridges. I would play that thing for hours and my parents would always laught at me when I got far into a game because my knee would start bouncing up and down.
The Chukker

The Chukker

Full Audioholic
Truly hardcore moments are hard to come by. I got just about everything you could get on RE2 (all outfits/guns/endings) and used to be able to beat the game in about 2 hours (or so I remember). I beat Rygar on NES so many times I think it constituted abuse. There was a time where I could do every fatality, babalities, friendships, and all that on MK2.

Great topic BTW
"Hardcore" means something different to everyone; I can relate to you about RE2 -- what a groundbreaking game; too bad there isn't the same innovation in the industry these days. RE2 scared me the same way that Fatal Frame scared me the same way that Silent Hill 1 scared me: totally new; innovative, and holy crap -- scary.
Then again, context (time wise) is so important: M.U.L.E., Dragonriders of Pern, Zork, Archon, Ultima I - II - III- IV, Spelunker, oh and Raid on Bungeling Bay.
"Hardcore" means something different now; not necessarily "less" hardcore -- just different.
198 hours played in 7 days

198 / 7 = 28.3 Houston, we have a problem!

PS. I felt a real sense of accomplishment the first time I completed Raiders of the Lost Ark on the Atari 2600. The next video game system I got was the Xbox, so it was strictly PC gaming in between.

Favorite recollected moment: The first time I successfully launched my buddy from one tower to the other via Rocket Launcher on the Facing Worlds map in Unreal Tournament (PC).


Audioholic Chief

198 / 7 = 28.3 Houston, we have a problem!

PS. I felt a real sense of accomplishment the first time I completed Raiders of the Lost Ark on the Atari 2600. The next video game system I got was the Xbox, so it was strictly PC gaming in between.

Favorite recollected moment: The first time I successfully launched my buddy from one tower to the other via Rocket Launcher on the Facing Worlds map in Unreal Tournament (PC).
HAHA! PWNED (like they say lol)

That damn first Unreal Tournament game was/is addicting. I still have it installed on my PC.

Old school: Commodore 128, NES

Mid school: SNES, PC (MS-DOS games/first windows games)

New school: PS3, UT3, DX10, etc...


Junior Audioholic
"Hardcore" means something different to everyone; I can relate to you about RE2 -- what a groundbreaking game; too bad there isn't the same innovation in the industry these days. RE2 scared me the same way that Fatal Frame scared me the same way that Silent Hill 1 scared me: totally new; innovative, and holy crap -- scary.
Then again, context (time wise) is so important: M.U.L.E., Dragonriders of Pern, Zork, Archon, Ultima I - II - III- IV, Spelunker, oh and Raid on Bungeling Bay.
"Hardcore" means something different now; not necessarily "less" hardcore -- just different.
Sorry just had to mention, M.U.L.E. , I loved that game so much when I was a wee lad, thanks for making me think of it again:) forgot all about it .


Junior Audioholic
Old school - Not much I can remember, but I did kick a lot of *** in Mario

Middle school - Going 3 vs 1 (me the "1") against my friends in GoldenEye. Map was Caverns, using trip mines rockets and other various explosives. I went the whole "First team to 50" match only dying twice. Not a huge accomplishment, but it was fun watching the other team continually blowing each other up.

New School - COD4. Playing on LIVE with a couple guys from work, and I joined there clan, the "Turbo Shank Hos" (T$H) Apparently they were all about knifing... and I had gotten pretty good at using melee. So we play a Normal Team deathmatch on Vacant, and we were counting how many "Shanks" we got on the previous match, so we figured we'd continue. I think I went into compete Zen Gaming mode, because I wound up with 38 kills... 26 were knifes. Every time I got a Shank, I called it out.

And that was only my 1st week play COD4.

Similar to bloodstriker, I too was having a bad day in Halo (Halo 2). so me and my team wound up on Zanzibar for a Slayer match. So we all started crouch walking chanting "HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT " the other team was laughing their asses off.
The Chukker

The Chukker

Full Audioholic
Ahhh nostalgia...

Sorry just had to mention, M.U.L.E. , I loved that game so much when I was a wee lad, thanks for making me think of it again:) forgot all about it .
Gaming on the Commodore was so much fun because there were so many really creative titles (although a lot were shovelware). I remember becoming aware of what studios you could trust, and which ones pumped out garbage. To me, EA and Broderbund put out a lot of really great titles; I can't remember all of them. M.U.L.E. was probably one of my very favorite games of that era; although ultimately (snicker) the Ultima series was the most satisfying. Before the age of the internet we actually had to jot down pages and pages of notes on the moon phases, dungeon locations, character locations, etcetera. I think I will head on over to for a little ride down memory lane...:D


cant believe nobody's said starcraft...the game made my life lol i played it more then any other game....well next to halo of coarse:D


Audioholic Ninja
I'd say my best gaming moments are...

Beating Mario 64 to 120 stars when I was in 5th grade. My buddy got the game and the system and we played virtually every day until we got all the stars. I felt pretty accomplished.

I beat Quake on Hard using only the keyboard. That game is still one of my favorites though. I really liked some of the secrets, and the way you could adjust any game parameter with the console.

Being unstoppable in Counterstrike. I never went 100-0, but I did go 39-3 where I was basically destroying the opposing team before anyone on my team could get a shot off. I couldn't stop shooting people in the face, and I just seemed to strafe right almost every time. IIRC, one of those deaths was a fall anyway...

Lastly, my first encounter with MGS3. I was turned onto MGSI by one of my good (and crazy) friends. I went over to his place to play it (didn't have a PS2), and after playing an hour and only getting past the intro, I spent the next 16 or so hours playing with interruptions only to use the bathroom (I have no interest in dying because I was too busy gaming). Keep in mind that while I was playing, my friend went to bed, got up, and went to work. At about 3:00pm the next day, I was about to wrap things up (I had started playing around 10:00pm the night before), and the power went out. I hadn't saved in over 2 hours. After screaming NEIN at the TV for awhile, I took a break and waited for the power to come back on before playing again and making my lost progress up. Walking outside and driving home was probably one of the most surreal experiences I've ever had.


Audioholic General
The original CS, before 1.6 was around....
I was one of two left on our team and there was about 4-5 terrorists left in the round. My teammate picked off 3, whereas I picked off one on the roof near a sniping spot. However, there was someone climbing up the ladder with 10 seconds on the clock, just as I had a HE grenade. I saw him while my mouse was held down and he killed me. Somehow, my nade flew over the valley onto the sniper tower and blew him off the roof :D

My friend who was spec'ing me laughed his *** off at what happened, he said I hit him in the face with my grenade as it exploded :D

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