best brands for rock music



I have lurked on these forums for quite some time but never posted. I am looking for some new bookshelf speakers, in a budget system. I have a list of speakers to audition that are available either online or locally. I will listen to as many as possible, in home as well, but would like to pare down the list a little before getting started. Most of the dealers are not close to home, and I don't want to foot the bill for too much return shipping.

I listen to a variety of music and prefer a neutral accurate sound, but at times would like to play moderately loud rock music and want a speaker that can handle that. Obviously there are compromises to be made here. Will power with around 100W per channel, and will have a quality sub to pick up the low frequencies.

Here are the contenders:

Energy RC
Paradigm Mini Monitor
AV123 x-IS encore
Axiom M3
Ascend CBM 170SE
NHT Classic 2
PSB Image B25/B15
B&W 686

From what I gather the 686's can be a bit on the "polite" side and a bit power hungry, although very accurate (maybe better for classical & jazz?). My initial top picks from this group are NHT, Ascend, PSB and Energy. I don't know much about the KEF.

Anyone care to comment on the best speakers in this lineup based on the musical preference for the speaker?

Thanks in advance.


Full Audioholic
A friend of mine had the NHT's...I would say that they are very "neutral" sounding. Just kind of "there" and they don't push any one spectrum out. Not spectacularly detailed, but not really "muddy" sounding either, they are just a very average speaker that would work well if got at a good price.


Audioholic Samurai
My two favorite speakers for rock from what I have heard are PSB and Dali. I don't know what your budget is but those are definitely two to check out.


Full Audioholic
I just got the dealer's demo models of the Ikon 6's, and I must say, they are quite amazing. I don't have the best placement b/c of room setup, but they disappear into a wall of sound if you get into the sweet spot to the point that you can't tell that there are speakers in front of you ;)


Full Audioholic
The Dali's mentioned, PSB B25, and Monitor Audio Silvers would probably be my choice for rock music. Though I would give JBL and Klipsch an audition, as they are very good playing rock music; they are very good at providing good bass, and detailed highs; though might lack a little in the mid details, or be somewhat muddy. But, worth an audition for rock.


Audioholic Ninja
Don't forget RBH TK's and SVS SBS-01's. They play incredibly loud without distortion.


Thanks for the responses so far. Good ideas for sure. Right now, my budget is probably $400 for the pair, so the Dali's are out.

I am not a big fan of Klipsch and JBL, although I know their reputation as rock speakers. I find Klipsch to be bright and fatiguing, and JBL to be muddy and unrefined. This is likely not the case for their more expensive lines, I am sure.

So far it looks like I definitely need to consider the PSB's. Any thoughts on the other brands listed? I appreciate all the ideas, but these are the brands that I can audition relatively near my home at a dealer.

Any thoughts on the 3 internet retailers would also be appreciated (Axiom/Ascend/AV123). I will likely try one of them but not all, as I don't want to spend $100 in return shipping for a pair of $350 speakers! I would like to narrow that list down to 1.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
Is there really such a thing as "best for rock", "best for jazz", etc.? Isn't it more likely that a better speaker is simply a better speaker, regardless of what style is played on it?:confused:


Audioholic Ninja
I have a pair of Axiom M3 and mostly listen to rock and heavy metal. I really really like the sound of them. I have listened to a bunch of different genres with these speakers as well (classical, pop, rap etc) and I must say I think the Axiom M3v2 sounded best with rock and heavy metal. I was not expecting these speakers to sound this good with heavy metal but they are absolutely amazing (hooked up with powered sub of course).

These speakers are the best $350 i have ever spent and dealing with Axiom Audio is a joy (best customer service I have dealt with internet direct companies).

I also have a vintage pair of Cerwin Vega speakers that were pretty good with rock music and play really really loud but they are one dimensional.


Audioholic Ninja
Is there really such a thing as "best for rock", "best for jazz", etc.? Isn't it more likely that a better speaker is simply a better speaker, regardless of what style is played on it?:confused:
Yes and no. A perfect speaker would be perfect for all types of music. But in the real world, people can only pick what is possible, and that means that they generally must keep the price down. So they are left with making compromises in the sound quality. Which is more important, deep bass, or a more "refined" sound? Or is maximum volume most important?

I own Aurum Cantus Leisure 2SE U.S. version speakers (beware of sellers on eBay, as I have seen people claim they are selling this version when in fact they were selling a lessor version of this speaker, which has been available in at least 4 versions under the Aurum Cantus name, and a couple of other versions under other brand names). You can read about the newer U.S. "Signature" version at:

The "Signature" version is the new U.S. version; the ones I have are no longer made, but most closely resemble these of the versions one can now obtain new. The "Signature" version is supposed to be better than the older U.S. version that I have, and probably are slightly better, though I have never heard them and cannot be certain.

Now, I really like them. And I like them for all kinds of music, including rock. But, someone who wanted rock concert, hearing damaging levels of sound in a large room would not be happy with them. Nor do they go as low as some other speakers that one can get at their price. And, having ribbon tweeters, the sound is more directional than many speakers (I have some old JBL Model L36 speakers that have incredible dispersion, though still not omnidirectional, as some speakers have been). But, in my opinion, they sound very good indeed, and are the best speakers I have heard at their price point (please note, others value different qualities in speakers, and consequently their preferences will differ from mine).

When I was younger, and listened basically just to rock music, and was on a much tighter budget, I bought some cheap speakers that had 15" woofers. The bass was abundant, but "sloppy". At the time, however, they were a good choice for me, given what I was listening to AND my very tight budget AND what mattered to me at the time.

So, the "best speaker" for rock, at a given price point, might not be the same as the "best speaker" for listening to classical solo piano music. Of course, it also depends upon what one values in the speaker, such as ability to play loud, or ability to deliver very deep bass, or having a wide dispersion, or having minimal distortion, or whatever. So there isn't going to even be one "best" speaker for one type of music at a given price point, as different people value different characteristics. Generally speaking, though, the ability to play bass loud is important to people who ask for a "rock" speaker, and usually they are willing to sacrifice some detail and refinement for it.



thanks for your detailed response, i understand precisely what you are saying. At budget prices there are compromises to be made and you must select speakers components according to what you value most. You can't "get it all" for $350.

Let me be clear here about what I am looking for. Typically I am listening at moderate volume levels, and value accuracy and flat response above all else. HOWEVER, I will sacrifice SOME accuracy for the ability to play cleanly and dynamically at louder levels, at least occasionally. But do not want the sloppy sound of cheap JBL's or the piercing horns on some Klispch models. Something in between there is where I am searching.

I gather from what I have read and what I have been told that the B&W 685/686 speakers are not well suited to this, as they are very accurate but a bit on the "polite" side if you know what I mean, and also are a bit hard to drive. I do not know this first hand.

I am looking for people with first hand experience with some of these speakers and can just give me an opinion as to whether or not they have these qualities. Especially the internet brands as I am not going to audition them all and need help selecting which ones to try. Any that can be crossed off the list?


Audioholic Ninja

thanks for your detailed response, i understand precisely what you are saying. At budget prices there are compromises to be made and you must select speakers components according to what you value most. You can't "get it all" for $350.

Let me be clear here about what I am looking for. Typically I am listening at moderate volume levels, and value accuracy and flat response above all else. HOWEVER, I will sacrifice SOME accuracy for the ability to play cleanly and dynamically at louder levels, at least occasionally. But do not want the sloppy sound of cheap JBL's or the piercing horns on some Klispch models. Something in between there is where I am searching.

I gather from what I have read and what I have been told that the B&W 685/686 speakers are not well suited to this, as they are very accurate but a bit on the "polite" side if you know what I mean, and also are a bit hard to drive. I do not know this first hand.

I am looking for people with first hand experience with some of these speakers and can just give me an opinion as to whether or not they have these qualities. Especially the internet brands as I am not going to audition them all and need help selecting which ones to try. Any that can be crossed off the list?
I have not listened to speakers in your price range for a while, so I cannot guide you on the particulars. But, I strongly recommend that you try to find speakers you can hear before you buy them. I have seen a number of posts over the years from people who bought speakers on reputation alone and were dissatisfied once they heard them. You might be lucky, of course, but it is best to rely on luck as little as possible.

I will admit, however, that I have not always followed this rule, and I have had good results. But when I have violated the rule, I was careful in my research, and was either buying something quite inexpensive, or bought something at a price that would enable me to resell the item in question without much loss. Given your tight budget, any loss from a mistake could easily significantly eat into your budget. If at all possible, buy something you can hear first.

You could also look into the used market, perhaps on craigslist, if you don't mind buying used. You can often get good deals that way, though, as always, you will want to be careful and listen before you part with your money.

If you can, take your CDs with you to audition the speakers, and listen at the volume you will want, and perhaps at slightly louder than you plan on listening to them to make sure that they can do all that you need them to do. Keep in mind, though, that different room acoustics will affect the volume you will hear, with larger rooms and rooms with more sound absorbent materials generally making speakers sound less loud at the same power.


Full Audioholic

thanks for your detailed response, i understand precisely what you are saying. At budget prices there are compromises to be made and you must select speakers components according to what you value most. You can't "get it all" for $350.

Let me be clear here about what I am looking for. Typically I am listening at moderate volume levels, and value accuracy and flat response above all else. HOWEVER, I will sacrifice SOME accuracy for the ability to play cleanly and dynamically at louder levels, at least occasionally. But do not want the sloppy sound of cheap JBL's or the piercing horns on some Klispch models. Something in between there is where I am searching.

I gather from what I have read and what I have been told that the B&W 685/686 speakers are not well suited to this, as they are very accurate but a bit on the "polite" side if you know what I mean, and also are a bit hard to drive. I do not know this first hand.

I am looking for people with first hand experience with some of these speakers and can just give me an opinion as to whether or not they have these qualities. Especially the internet brands as I am not going to audition them all and need help selecting which ones to try. Any that can be crossed off the list?
Sounds like you would be very happy with PSB B25's. In the same line consider Monitor Audio S1 and S2 on sale (, and also Triangle on sale (

PSB B25's are very dynamic, detailed, and slightly forward; probably traits you will like for rock and movies...Triangle's are flat, detailed, and tight bass, but not loud. Monitor Audio fall somewhere in between. You will like any of these choices.


Ive heard that the Axiom and psb's are good (based on reviews and advice). I just purchased 5 speakers from psb, but will be hooking them only in 3-4 mths from now.
Just out of curiosity, I dont beleive anyone has mentioned the KEF's which you had on your list, they might be a bit pricier unless you find a nice deal.
I've heard the KEF's are really great for music and they have a great reputation. Has anyone heard the KEF's, are they good for this type of scenario?


Senior Audioholic
Are you handy? If you are you may want to look into making your own or get a friend to help can build a great speaker with plans from Partsexpress and the like that will both fit your budget and give you desired results. If you have a chance to save a few more bucks then I would take a serious look at the new DCM "Time Windows" selling new for under a grand and even less used, these speakers are shockingly good, Paradigm (sp) are another great speaker for rock and volume.


Audioholic Ninja
Maybe look into X-Series of AV123: x-ls encore Monitor Loudspeaker. I have never listened to them but they got good reviews on this site and others. The price is $299 before shipping and taxes.

The only problem is that a lot of their products are on back order so you might have to wait a month or two before it is shipped. I ordered an x-sub in February and ETA on this product is for March.

By the way a lot of reviews had these speakers matched with the x-sub (subwoofer) and it is only $199 before shipping and taxes. This package of speakers and sub would definetly fit your budget.

But also if you live in Canada like I do it might not be worth it because shipping and handling from AV123 is pretty expensive. The estimated shipping costs with brokerage, duty and other taxes will be around $80 - $90 dollars for my sub but if i broker the shipment myself all i will have to pay is duty and taxes and would save around $50. So my opinion is if you go internet direct and might have to pay high shipping, broker the shipment yourself, you will save yourself quite a bit a money on handling fees.


Maybe look into X-Series of AV123: x-ls encore Monitor Loudspeaker. I have never listened to them but they got good reviews on this site and others. The price is $299 before shipping and taxes.

The only problem is that a lot of their products are on back order so you might have to wait a month or two before it is shipped. I ordered an x-sub in February and ETA on this product is for March.

By the way a lot of reviews had these speakers matched with the x-sub (subwoofer) and it is only $199 before shipping and taxes. This package of speakers and sub would definetly fit your budget.

But also if you live in Canada like I do it might not be worth it because shipping and handling from AV123 is pretty expensive. The estimated shipping costs with brokerage, duty and other taxes will be around $80 - $90 dollars for my sub but if i broker the shipment myself all i will have to pay is duty and taxes and would save around $50. So my opinion is if you go internet direct and might have to pay high shipping, broker the shipment yourself, you will save yourself quite a bit a money on handling fees.
Probably going to go with HSU or one of the Outlaw subs. My primary concern is music, but this will be part of a HT setup as well, and a good sub is a must. The x-sub is not large enough for my liking in a moderate sized room.

I'm in the US, so no concerns with the issues you mentioned.

I am considering the x-encore, but right now I am also considering internet direct from Ascend and Axiom and I think I like those models better, based on the specs and reviews. The flat frequency response of the Ascend CBM is incredible.


Ive heard that the Axiom and psb's are good (based on reviews and advice). I just purchased 5 speakers from psb, but will be hooking them only in 3-4 mths from now.
Just out of curiosity, I dont beleive anyone has mentioned the KEF's which you had on your list, they might be a bit pricier unless you find a nice deal.
I've heard the KEF's are really great for music and they have a great reputation. Has anyone heard the KEF's, are they good for this type of scenario?
Which PSB's did you get? Let me know how you like them!

KEF has a good reputation, but I have not auditioned them yet. I can probably get the IQ3's for $350-400 if I find a good deal or a demo. I have seen that before, but it would be an excellent deal and not easy to find. I would like to hear anyones personal experience with these as well....

  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis