Yes, the PDP-6010FD is definitely the tits when it comes to plasma sets on the market right now, with the exception of its Elite counterpart of course.
The new -800 and -850 series Panny's which are coming out this Spring (Fall for the 58" and 65" models, all -850 series plasmas will be IPTV's - will all support 24fps via 48Hz using 2:2 pulldown. That's one I have my eye on. For what you get for the dollar, you can't beat the Panasonic's. If money is no object, the Pioneer Elite should take the cake and has 72Hz refresh rate for 1080p24 sources.
I don't know what you guys have against Sony that much. They simply make the best LCD out there (XBR4). I don't understand either what the fuzz is about the panasonic plasmas. I think the black levels are horrible, but that's just me.
It's definitely just you.
Gary Merson couldn't even measure the black levels of the Panasonic 750U.
You're right about the Sony LCD's though - they are the only 120Hz sets that consistently correctly use 5:5 pulldown on 1080p24 sources, rather than 3:2 to get to 60Hz then 2:2 to double it, like a number of the Sharp and Samsung sets do.
However the black levels and motion resolution on the new LED LCD sets from Samsung that have the Smart Dimming technology have set benchmarks for LCD. 800 lines of motion resolution when Motion Plus is on. However the blacks are still bested by plasma easily and with the new Panasonic sets acheiving over 900 lines of motion resolution there really shouldn't be many things to sway people away from plasma. It is definitely the best panel technology for film reproduction.