Unlike Fidel, Raul is a pragmatist, he's open to loosening up the Cuban market (if you can call that disaster such a thing.) But like his brother the man has plenty of innocent blood on his hands. Funny, the streets are quiet now, maybe it's too early. To the Cubans, Fidel is like the boogey man, he posseses magic powers, he's the only surviving hard-core cold war antagonist left and the bastard refuses to die! Rumours about his demise cause flurries of parties on occassions, but ask any Cuban and he'll tell you: "Fidel dead? Hah, I'll believe it when I see it!" Cuban propaganda has as much clout in Miami as a snowball in hell. Raul will not make any overtures to the US as long as his brother is alive, out of respect for his brother's disdain of Americans. After the Cuban revolution there was one man Camilo Cienfuegos who wanted to turn the revolution over to the people and hold national elections, he's considred mostly benign and a moderate by the Miami Cubans, but alas he mysteriously dissappeard when his plane "crashed" somewhere in the Caribbean Ocean.