Forum Personalities - I think we have a couple on this list..

Rob Babcock

Rob Babcock

The point was for the ****ing thread to stay on ****ing topic. How hard is that? Look around, all you guys do is gab on in every thread and ruin them. You have these stupid political and religious threads where you are at each others throats, over something completely unrelated to the forums main purpose, audio and video. If you're at each others throats you won't be able to function in the main forums about AV, you remember how much you hated the person for something completely trivial. **** it, I'm done. I took a break a while ago but I came back. I don't think I'll be doing it again. Apparently all you guys want to do it **** around and pretend your the best **** since sliced bread. Eventually you'll get sick of all the condescending remarks you guys throw around and realize I was right.

So long Audioholics,


Uh, hmmm...I'm not really sure what's got you so worked up, Sheep. Maybe you should sleep on it. I'd miss your unique style and worldview if you were to leave. Perhaps you should take some time to cool off. Threads go astray and things get O.T. That's no reason to toss the baby out with the bathwater.



Audioholic Samurai
The point was for the ****ing thread to stay on ****ing topic. How hard is that? Look around, all you guys do is gab on in every thread and ruin them. You have these stupid political and religious threads where you are at each others throats, over something completely unrelated to the forums main purpose, audio and video. If you're at each others throats you won't be able to function in the main forums about AV, you remember how much you hated the person for something completely trivial. **** it, I'm done. I took a break a while ago but I came back. I don't think I'll be doing it again. Apparently all you guys want to do it **** around and pretend your the best **** since sliced bread. Eventually you'll get sick of all the condescending remarks you guys throw around and realize I was right.

So long Audioholics,


Sheepster, c'mon. Some read your link. I know I did. I didn't go through the entire thing, but I may revisit when I have more time. Some of the caricatures were incredibly funny. You know how it is: one or two people poke and prod, and then the "wolfpack mentality" occurs, whether it be real or imagined (Highfi's poignant thread from last week). C'mon. Take a step back and look at that comment. Any other day I think you'd realize it's asking for it to write:

"Now, I'm going to make this VERY clear. NO posts in this thread can be about ANYTHING other then this topic. If I seen ANY posts off topic, they will be removed."

The comment is funny, and so is your link. I'm still cracking up over it. And perhaps we have an abundance of each character here at Audioholics. But who's going to remind us of that if not you? If I can suggest you sleep on it as Rob suggested, and hopefully you'll see the setup you created for yourself in that quote. It's funny, but I don't hold it against you. Sleep it off, and look at it from a different perspective will then see how some of us took that directive. Humor: we must be able to see it in our own actions and words, even if just occasionally. Your thread and link was not lost in the hubbub. Cheers, John


Audioholic Spartan
The point was for the ****ing thread to stay on ****ing topic. How hard is that? Look around, all you guys do is gab on in every thread and ruin them. You have these stupid political and religious threads where you are at each others throats, over something completely unrelated to the forums main purpose, audio and video. If you're at each others throats you won't be able to function in the main forums about AV, you remember how much you hated the person for something completely trivial. **** it, I'm done. I took a break a while ago but I came back. I don't think I'll be doing it again. Apparently all you guys want to do it **** around and pretend your the best **** since sliced bread. Eventually you'll get sick of all the condescending remarks you guys throw around and realize I was right.

So long Audioholics,

There's the Holden Caulfield we all know and love.


Audioholic Samurai
Ya know Sheep's right to a point,i dont come here to help people with their systems anymore,i come to mess around, which im not saying is a bad thing, i have fun but MY focus has shifted from helping to steam vent participation,to me its just not worth the effort in regular threads anymore.

Something ive noticed about Sheep durring my time here is that he is wise beyond his years,dont discount what the man says right off the bat,it has merit.


Audioholic Spartan
Something ive noticed about Sheep durring my time here is that he is wise beyond his years,dont discount what the man says right off the bat,it has merit.
Knowledge is not wisdom.

I don't think Sheep's a bad guy, but I think he's got some growing up to do. Re-read Catcher in the Rye if you want to see my Holden Caulfield references. I see Sheep on every page.


Audioholic Slumlord
C'mon guy's,this is Sheep were talkin about here,did anybody really think he was ever serious about removing posts or asking a mod to do so :confused:.

He has a reason for writing what he did,the reason i do not know but im positive it was not what it looks like.

He will come clean before its over.
I agree.

Seems like this thread is an intentional parody/parallel of a recently closed down thread, right down to the "So long Audioholics" part. The similarities are there. Reminds me of The Soup Nazi in a forum poster light. I guess we'll see....
Sheep's little hissy fit aside... I think we should simply assign a label to someone.

Then if anyone agrees - hit the 'Thanks' button. If you get labeled and 10 or more people hit 'Thanks' - guess what? That's you.

I'll start. Sheep is (mostly at least) Ego :)


Audioholic Samurai
Well, again I think that is what makes this forum great and seperates it from other "typical" A/V forums - in that we do have the Steam Vent, and that we all kind of get to know one another through various topics, both light-hearted and otherwise - and I believe we all still cherish the fact that right up above where we have our dust-ups, debates, jokes and political tirades, there is all this great A/V talk going on and we can pop in anytime and offer our help, or simply sit back, read and learn. Quite frankly I would be bored with this forum already if everyone only wanted to discuss A/V stuff - as much as I love A/V, there is plenty more to talk about with a bunch of strangers who you only know from their writing style and nickname, but you know nevertheless. The thing that has kept me coming back is the fact that this is indeed a playground for grown-ups - the Steam Vent is recess, and when it's time to go to class, we head up to the A/V sections and sniff around until we find a topic we can offer some insight on, or something interesting that we haven't seen or heard before, or just to welcome a newbie.

Just as long as no one mentions cables... :eek::D


Audioholic Ninja
Well, that there is a prodigious amount of horsing around, without a doubt. But do people find help? Absolutely. Go to any of the forums and you see people getting the information and guidance they need. As for the excessive "humor", well a newbie wandering in here for the first time feels at ease, he won't see a bunch of dry technocrats that will look down upon him at the first hint of a "dumb" question. As for topics meandering, yes it's true they do, but they usually fall back into gear again. Unless we were to change the way posts are answered, think about it, if someone posts a question and it's answered correctly the first time, what's the point of anyone else getting in on the thread? Why chime in with opinions? Or with trivia on the question? Afterall this is what usually takes the OP into a rollercoaster ride. And what about politics and religion or cars and hot rods, photographs, do they have a place here? Are we so one dimensional that all we think about is A/V? I understand the Sheepster's frustration, he's a man of few words and straight to the point (whether one likes it or not;)), but the maojority of the folks are keen on expressing their opinions from all things A/V, politics, religion, cars, photos, liquor and yes even writing a review on a fish sandwich (thanks Yetti), yet if we compare AH to any site out there you'll find it's way ahead in information, content, community, and just straight fun. What's the point of coming here? If you have all your gear set up and working properly, if you're not in the market for new gear, seriously, what's the point of coming here? I'll spell it out: C O M M U N I T T Y, let's face it we've developed friendships around here, and now with the AH parties we'll meet in person, so is it really that bad around here?


Audioholic Spartan
Sheep's little hissy fit aside... I think we should simply assign a label to someone.

Then if anyone agrees - hit the 'Thanks' button. If you get labeled and 10 or more people hit 'Thanks' - guess what? That's you.

I'll start. Sheep is (mostly at least) Ego :)
Clint is God.


Audioholic Ninja
i dont come here to help people with their systems anymore,i come to mess around, which im not saying is a bad thing, i have fun but MY focus has shifted from helping to steam vent participation,to me its just not worth the effort in regular threads anymore.
Yes but you're helping yourself too, I'm sure this place relieves a bit of the daily stress, and your knowledge regarding Macs and buying vintage gear correctly has and will continue to help those that choose that path, so unknowingly you still help. You just have fun doing it.:)


Senior Audioholic
Ya know Sheep's right to a point,i dont come here to help people with their systems anymore,i come to mess around, which im not saying is a bad thing, i have fun but MY focus has shifted from helping to steam vent participation,to me its just not worth the effort in regular threads anymore.
That sounds like me..:D:D...

Clint is God.
I thought so too, first i thought he is more like a godfather..but i think again..someone has to be God...the rest of the mods i think are more like godfathers than admin.


Audioholic Samurai
Sheep's little hissy fit aside... I think we should simply assign a label to someone.

Then if anyone agrees - hit the 'Thanks' button. If you get labeled and 10 or more people hit 'Thanks' - guess what? That's you.

I'll start. Sheep is (mostly at least) Ego :)
Clint: I've never seen you as an...instigator. ;)

I have to admit, hissy fit may be accurate, but where were you Clint when I proposed the labelling thing...the CLOWN thread? :p LOL

I don't know, maybe this whole thread of Sheep's is in jest. He certainly has gotten a little more...what's the term I'm searching for here...serious, and well, grumpy. Sheep, you're way too young to be those things. They are reserved for people like me. :p And I agree with Dave and stratman, the topics on food, yes, even fish sandwiches, drinks, politics, etc. serve as an escape, a chance to express oneself, a chance to listen to other's points of view, and to have some fun. We're having a little fun on a fun thread...that was the point, right?


Audioholic Slumlord
There's the Holden Caulfield we all know and love.
You know that I had to go and look that up? Literary references have no place in an A/V forum. Who said you could use one? Shame on you. Don't let it happen again! :mad: :D


Audioholic Slumlord
Get Books on Tape, give that center channel a workout. I'd love to have James Earl Jones read "Far from the Maddening Crowd" to me.
Great come back. :D That made me laugh. I can read pretty good so I'm gonna pass on the books on tape idea. :p


Audioholic Samurai
Yes but you're helping yourself too, I'm sure this place relieves a bit of the daily stress, and your knowledge regarding Macs and buying vintage gear correctly has and will continue to help those that choose that path, so unknowingly you still help. You just have fun doing it.:)

See now i think were getting confused,my post was taken from a post that sheep made a while back where he said(in jest)that he dont come here to help anymore,i was hoping somebody caught that a while back.

God you old guy's are slow :D

Im not buying the hissy fit act one bit, like "im outta here & you cant stop me!":rolleyes:,the only thing missing from the hissy fit was throwing himself & the ground & rolling around,thats not sheep's style at all.

I still think there's more here than meets the eye,time will tell but i think he's got a trick up his sleve.


Audioholic Ninja
See now i think were getting confused,my post was taken from a post that sheep made a while back where he said(in jest)that he dont come here to help anymore,i was hoping somebody caught that a while back.

God you old guy's are slow :D

Im not buying the hissy fit act one bit, like "im outta here & you cant stop me!":rolleyes:,the only thing missing from the hissy fit was throwing himself & the ground & rolling around,thats not sheep's style at all.

I still think there's more here than meets the eye,time will tell but i think he's got a trick up his sleve.
Hey I'm a caveman, what do you want from me?!


Audioholic Samurai
Knowledge is not wisdom.

I don't think Sheep's a bad guy, but I think he's got some growing up to do. Re-read Catcher in the Rye if you want to see my Holden Caulfield references. I see Sheep on every page.
Dammitt man !!! now i gotta look up that reference,i never read that book,infact i never even heard of it till i saw that Mel Gibson movie where he was all freaked out over that book :D.

Good quote btw:D

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