To my understanding, we aren't that democratic in the first place. Democracy is direct voting, where everyones vote counts equally. If we were really democratic, we wouldn't feel so helpless about the war. If we were really democratic, this race would probably have different candidates.
The idea of a super-delegate scares me.
I love my country, but I hate my politicians.
I had a Russian professor for a class a few semesters back. He was in russia during the fall of the Soviet Union. He told me America reminds him of Russia. Citizens who love their country, politicians who will let it fall for their own thirst of power.
There is indeed a storm brewing...
I don't know if this country will ever find its sense of unity again - hell we can't even (for the most part) have a political discussion amongst ourselves without it dissolving into tirades and attacks - I think everyone feels strongly about their own viewpoints of the democratic process, yet for unity's sake - the process seems to fail us
all equally - the one true thing every person can shake hands on... then bend over and kiss our own a##es goodbye when the crap hits the proverbial fan.
Speaking of Russia - there is a second cold war in the works and nobody seems to be talking about it in Washington. I fear the Democrats gaining control of the White House because we face some seriously tough times ahead on a global scale, if not Russian, then Iran, and so on.
Looks like it's a mathematical certainty that McCain will take the Republican nomination, and it's still a toss up between the two Democratic candidates, Hillary and Obama. Obama is an empty suit campaigning on a platform of "Change"..... to what?? There is no substance to either one of them - but lo and behold it's going to come down to this super-delegate phenomenon.
(Shakes his head, sighs, turns off the computer and exits stage left....)
EDIT: To the OP - I'll meet you in Italy when this is done - then we'll have no further need to debate American politics!

My wife and I have already packed our things.