Devil May Cry 4 demo out! (PSN)



Audioholic Jedi
WOW, the graphics are nice...gameplay is pretty much the same as before, with a bit of freshening that still makes it fun. The demo is rather short, yet still very fun. I was already going to pick this one up as soon as it hit shelves...long time fan of the series. I think it is scheduled for 2 weeks from now.


Senior Audioholic
WOW, the graphics are nice...gameplay is pretty much the same as before, with a bit of freshening that still makes it fun. The demo is rather short, yet still very fun. I was already going to pick this one up as soon as it hit shelves...long time fan of the series. I think it is scheduled for 2 weeks from now.
I second that motion. Long time fan of the series. Graphically, it's looking good. Lots of eye candy and the moves were cool. Definately short though. I still haven't got past Berial on the 2nd mode of the demo and the 1st one is over before you get to the good parts.


I never played any of the game sbefore but I enjoyed it, and the graphics looked great. I'm now looking forward to this one. And that says a lot my PS3 has been a paper weight for the year that I owned it. I've only played Resistacnce fall of man, and War hawk, but I barely even played that. And now I'm playing Drakes fortune. I still need to get Ratchet and clank that looks good. I think I've watched more movies than played games on it.

I game more on the 360


just played it last night it was really good i think i will be buying this one i just hope its not to short


Audioholic Jedi
I second that motion. Long time fan of the series. Graphically, it's looking good. Lots of eye candy and the moves were cool. Definately short though. I still haven't got past Berial on the 2nd mode of the demo and the 1st one is over before you get to the good parts.
If you play through the first part, it takes you to the second part... I beat the whole thing within the 10 minute limit once I figured out how to beat Berial. As with the previous ones, there are always little tricks or perfect timing that you have to sometimes stumble on to beat certain parts.
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Senior Audioholic
Thanks for the tips, I'll have to try it another go


Audioholic Spartan
I pre-ordered it. But I've always wished that it gave you the option to play with Japanese language.


Audioholic Jedi
On previous versions they made separate discs for various languages I believe (PS2), but on the BD, they have said they can include all languages - the question is whether or not they will let you choose one since it seems to default to the system language setting. That was one cool thing about Ninja Gaiden Sigma - you can have Japanese language with English subs. Isn't Genji that way too?


Audioholic Samurai
WOW, the graphics are nice...
Graphics are okay. Not even remotely comparable to Uncharted, though. Low polygons used on characters and environments, and everything is just a texture map as opposed to rendered detail, etc. :)



Audioholic Jedi
It is intended to be a very fast paced action game, not one that you want to spend the time to stop and look at the scenery in. The graphics are good not great, but this one is about kicking butt with style rather than pushing the environment limits. I think that is why Uncharted was so short - because it was a lot of work to get those amazing environments.


I like the game, but it doesn't seem much more than a rental.


Senior Audioholic
I picked up my copy Tuesday night at the local Fry's Electronics. Really like it so far. I'm up to the 5th mission/chapter. I pretty much skipped DMC3(can't even get past the first boss!) so I had forgotten how things work. Really enjoying it so far. Trying to get as many bonuses for stylish moves as I can so I can buy more upgrades.


Audioholic Samurai
It is intended to be a very fast paced action game, not one that you want to spend the time to stop and look at the scenery in. The graphics are good not great, but this one is about kicking butt with style rather than pushing the environment limits. I think that is why Uncharted was so short - because it was a lot of work to get those amazing environments.
Some thoughts on the graphics: this is a multi platform game, right? If so, it hardly makes sense that they would spend so much extra money to optimize it for a particular system. From what could tell, it looked like the Devil May Cry game simply used the back-end GPU(RSX) on the PS3 for all major rendering/graphics work, the simplest/easiest thing to do based on what I have read from developers(and what virtually all games are doing on PS3 at this point). Apparently developers are not at a point that they can develop/off load a lot of advanced graphics rendering for the CELL CPU yet and be efficient at doing so. How long did it take Naughty Dog to produce the relatively short Uncharted game? 3 years? And this was with direct help from Sony in consultation? Eek!



Audioholic Jedi
Yes, but as they learn how to dump more on the SPUs, they will get better. You can see what they can do without even knowing how to make full use of the hardware, so in a few years I expect we will see some impressive things going on with the PS3. The graphics look very good in this one to me, but they definitely aren't on par with the best looking titles. Yes this title is multi-platform, but with this series, I don't think Capcom ever really pushed the limits of the hardware.


Senior Audioholic
Finished it Saturday. The cutscenes were amazing! Gameplay was pretty much what you expect from Devil May Cry. Kind of sucked when you had to play as Dante about half-way through. I'd become so used to playing with Nero that I had a hard time adjusting.
Dante's styles were cool to mess around with. Gunslinger and Swordmaster were cool. Not too sure about Trickster and Royal Guard was pretty much unnecessary.
Trying to go back through more quickly to get better scores and pick up more power-ups.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Just picked up the full game this weekend- played the first 4 missions and have absolutely loved it. Never played a DMC before, but the gameplay reminds me of God of War (my favorite series out right now) complete with the puzzles and the multiple ways to kill. Now if only I could stop working so much so I have time to play!!!


Audioholic Jedi
I am on session 9 right now, picked it up on Sat evening. I see what the reviews have said about it being a bit too much of the same thing. For those new to the series it is fresh, but it doesn't totally innovate over the previous game, not that that is entirely a bad thing as the third game was very fun. One of the things I like is that there are so many moves, which means you can play with your own style, just like God of War. I have done well on most of the levels so far, with mostly Bs or As, but that is also because the feel is the same - I have a pretty good idea of where to look for secrets and bonuses. One thing that HAS changes is the fact that the darn secret missions are ALL extremely difficult. In the previous one I could finish most of them, but in this one, I have only completed ONE (out of 6 found)! I have picked up about half of all of the upgrades so far, but as you upgrade, each subsequent upgrade becomes more costly so it is a bit harder to achieve a large number of them and probably will be nearly impossible to get them all with only one play through. In true DMC fashion, the bosses are very cool. (playing on Demon Hunter, not Human).

For Dante, Trickster is what I normally use, then Swordmaster and not so much the other two.
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Audioholic Jedi
One of the things I like about 4 is the fact that I can configure the character semi-on-the-fly, which means setup for a specific activity, something you could not do previously - you were stuck with whatever upgrades you chose. This one allows you to add and remove skills/upgrades as needed.

My only complaint: the bosses are a little too easy so far.


Senior Audioholic
One of the things I like about 4 is the fact that I can configure the character semi-on-the-fly, which means setup for a specific activity, something you could not do previously - you were stuck with whatever upgrades you chose. This one allows you to add and remove skills/upgrades as needed.

My only complaint: the bosses are a little too easy so far.
I agree with that. The fact that you can change your skills at every upgrade point is a very nice touch. Very little opportunity cost so you don't mind trying something new each time until you really get a feel for the ones you like.

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