Need new system FAST! (new to this)



Audioholic Intern
Problem is in the same channel, I checked connections, I will see if switching over the Speaker cable does any thing, If it persist there is something wrong with the center channel amp? If so I should return it?
The reason I bought it was it was a open box at a good price, Maybe thats the problem.


Audioholic Samurai
The reason I bought it was it was a open box at a good price, Maybe thats the problem
Hmmm... could be ;) Best Buy purchase? If so, you should be able to return it if you figure out that your center channel is faulty.


Audioholic Intern
Best Buy, and will return it: Now Im back to what to replace it with, paid $350 and would like to spend that or less. I would like the 7.1 but proberly don't need it. I would like a reciever that I could put a DVD and HD Cable box( component and optical audio in) into and HDMI out to TV 720 p.
Do I even need HDMI?
Yamaha, HK and maybe denon
I was really thinking about the Kardon® AVR 247-Z 7.1-on Ebay from HK direct seems to fit my price and features around $300
Thanks again,


Audioholic Samurai
Look at the Yamaha V661 - it has pretty much everything the 247 has, and more bang for the buck. You can find them online for between $300 and $400.
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Audioholic Intern
Finally returning the denon 1708, but still hunting aroung for a replacment,
HK-avr 347 or Yamaha RX-V661 or even going with the denon 1908?
Im leaning towards the Denon 1508-1708-1908 just no sure what would fit my needs, mostly with the video issues and if I need the hdmi in/out.
I think if the video connections were important I would go for the Denon 1908
If I went with the Yamaha RX-V661- It looks like the 663 coming out soon would be worth waiting for. Question is for a standard dvd player with hdmi outs, what is connecting to the a/v reciever going to do for me?
This would clear up my choice.
Thank you.
What would make sense?
my system:Sam plasma 720p Klipsch Quintet III
BIC Acoustech H-100 12" 500 Watt Powered Subwoofer
and a reciever to be named later_________________________?????


Audioholic Samurai
If you had any inclinations at all of going for the Yammy 661, I definitely wait for the 663 to come out.

Routing HDMI (or any video source) through your receiver allows for easier switching between sources without having to push a whole lot of buttons, basically. Plus some receivers offer upconversion capabilities, I'm not sure about the Yammy, but either way it does very much simplify the setup and makes it easier to operate.


Audioholic Intern
I'm done, I decided to go with the Denon 1508 ($250) Best Buy Open Box,
With the yammy 663 coming out and the new advancements I thought I would go the cheaper route so the future upgrade will be easier, The yammy 661 new for under $450 sounded good but the 663 looks a lot better so My, need system fast, is just waiting for my Sub- BIC Acouste H-100 to be complete.
Thanks for all your help,
I started out looking into the Samsung HTIB for $200
Came here and look what I got myself into.
Hopefully a much better decision.
Total Cost
Denon 1508 $250
Klipsch Quintet III $299.00
Bic Acoust H 100 $250.00
Just an after thought, what would you have done to get a 5.1 system with $800 to spend?
The Chukker

The Chukker

Full Audioholic
[If you..]Purchase a relatively inexpensive HTIB kit that is an all-in-one deal, but you will sacrifice quality of both your speakers and your sub (which is the most important aspect of your listening pleasure). This actually puts you at a disadvantage. HTIB systems are generally not recommended here as such.
I couldn't agree more. A HTiB will do little more than whet your appetite for the components that you truly desire. In the long run this is the much more expensive route than taking a little time to research. Plus, on the upside auditioning stuff is fun and rewarding. Spend a little money on a decent HDMI capable receiver, many will refer you to Onkyo; I would suggest waiting a couple of months and getting the new Yamaha RX V663 -- it has all the goodies packed in for $549.00 new (and it's 7.2). Spend as much as you can on speakers they will make the most difference to the overall quality of your experience; hold off on getting the sub if you must -- you really need to drop around 4-5 hundred bucks to get something worthwhile so why buy twice? Have you checked the classifieds here at this site? Highly recommended. All in all, welcome to the forum and this insanely addictive hobby.


Audioholic Intern
Thanks for all the input, I now have my sub so my system is complete( for now). Denon 1508
Klipsch Quintet III
Bic Acoust H 100
I do have a few questions, I have adjusted my system with just my ears, will it make a big difference if I callibrate it?
I have my crossover set to 110, Klipsch recomends. It sounds good but could sound better. room size is 10 x 11, the fronts, center and sub are next to tv, I have the surrounds 3' from the back wall mounted on the sides up high 6' angled down towards listener, even with the listener position about 3' above head..
Thanks for your help.


Audioholic Chief
I wouldn't worry about the Klipsh horns. I have got four Klipsh surround speakers with eight horns total and it sound good to me. I don't know if the YAPO (automatic parametric equalizer) makes a correction for them or not. Either way I don't hear anything blariing or harsh out of them.


Senior Audioholic
You say your surrounds are 3' off the back wall. Does that have them inline with the listener or in front of you? If they are in front of you that could have some affect on the sound. Surrounds are usually even with the listener or behind them.

Some of the sound that you don't like may also be the crossover level. I find that when I have mine set above 100Hz I can start to localize the sound. Meaning I can hear that the sounds are coming from the sub instead of the speakers. Play around with your crossover level and see if that helps. Male vocals are especially easy to localize.



Audioholic Intern
3 feet off the back wall puts them even or slight ahead of listeners ears.
The other location was to put them behind the listener, but it would be in the back corner- if I did that would it be better to face them towards the TV, or on the back corner facing each other. The crossover set at 110 with all small speakers, The sub is in the front right corner of room and the base appears to be coming from the center speaker( front of TV) So I believe would be the correct.


Senior Audioholic
Sounds like you pretty much have it all setup right. You might want to take a look through this <a href=>HT setup</a>. I like to have my surrounds behind me in a 5.1 setup angled at each other and slightly at the listener. Try your's around and see if you like something else better.

Also how close together are your front speakers? Rereading your post you said they were next to the tv, that may have some affect on what you are hearing.



Audioholic Intern
The front speakers are next to the tv but about 8 feet apart. So if i put the surrounds behind the the listener i should face them at each other? Would it make sense if i face them towards the front speakers?
see if this works




The fronts and surrounds are 8' apart

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