Some background:
- I'm an Aerospace Engineer student in my Senior year and graduating in May. Currently holding a 3.26 GPA, which isn't spectacular but isn't horrible either.
I work part-time (21 hrs/wk) for a major NASA contractor. Let's call them "X"
- I co-oped for a total of 14 months with "X". After my last co-op semester, which ended in fall, I asked if I could work this semester part-time so I could keep some income coming in and since I'm only taking 9 credit hours this last semester. They pulled some strings and got me on.
- Throughout the 14 months of co-op I never once got a raise. Just the same hourly rate. Shitty, yes, but I didn't feel comforatable asking for a raise. In addition, the co-ops that started when I did never got raises when they came back each additional semester, either.
- I recently found out that the other co-ops who started their co-op after me did get raises each semester.
- Now I hear that X might be giving us backpay for those semesters we should have gotten 'cost of living' raises, which about to about 3% per year and that it's now traveled to the corporate office where it will be decided
So, now that I've gotten that out of the way, here's my current situation.
I'm still making THE EXACT SAME $$$/hour I was when I first came on, though I do now get benefits if I choose to take them, which will lower my check even more.
I didnt' really care that much until I got my check this afternoon and realized how crappy I'm getting paid.
That's bullshit, but I'm honestly scared to ask for a raise because I feel it could be detrimental to my future with the company (which I am now starting to second guess). I am a lock for a full-time position when I graduate, but I don't want to sour that by looking "greedy". Now, please understand
why I feel I would look greedy: the 21 hours/week isn't a lot of hours first off. Secondly, I'm not there as much as I used to be because of school, though my supervisor and customer completely understand this. If they didn't, they wouldn't have asked me to stay on part time and gone through the hoops they did to get me that position. <- Which brings up the 3rd "issue" I have with asking for a raise: they already did a lot for me, why should they do more?
Honestly, I'm flat out intimidated to ask for a raise, but I know if I don't ask I'll never get one. I'm just wondering if I should ride out the 3.5 months I have left until graduation and deal with getting paid garbage in contrast to looking like someone who's unappreciative of his position/chance. I've done good work, done a lot of work, have numerous things published on our internal websites, and have well-document test procedures/plans I've written up. I've always gotten positive feedback and have never felt like I wasn't doing what I was expected to.
I know there are many options in my area so I'm likely to start applying for other positions within the next couple weeks. I'm sure with my experience I should at the least, get interviews.
So, if you were me, what would you do. How would you do it?
Take into consideration what I've said.