Well theres always the fact that in your personal theater you.......
Dont have to listen to 3/4 of the audience laughing at something that isint in the least bit funny
Dont have to listen to 3/4 of the audience chewing popcorn opening candy wrappers or slurping sodas
Dont have to have 3/4 of a pound of god only know what kind of sticky mess on your shoes
Dont have to get up out of the seats only to run home and burn your clothes for fear of 62 different diseases
Dont have to listen to crying babies
Dont have to listen to cell phones or see people checking them
Dont have to listen to people talk to themselves or others (what just happened, whos that etc. WE ARE ALL WATCHING THE SAME THING. PAY ATTENTION AND SHUT UP
Dont have to stand in line waiting for a ticket and then walk in the theater only to be blasted by the smell of synthetic butter and popcorn
Dont have to pick out a nice seat far away from anyone in an empty theater only to have some jerkoff come and sit down RIGHT NEXT TO YOU
Dont have to make your legs mutate into stubs every 3 minutes to let someone out of the row, And then back in again. For the 12th time.
Dont have to actually pay money to go in and see a movie only to be put in what used to be a broom closet converted to a theater where the surround sound doesnt even work and the screen isint much bigger than your tv at home.
Dont have to sit through 14 hours of useless trivia and commercials before they actually play the movie. And you Do have to do it because if you show up by the time its over all the good seats are taken.
I would say that sums up why a HT is better.