I will have to remember to look East tomorrow morning.
How many astronomers do we have here?
I really have a problem with buying telescopes, more than AV gear and in my region I get far less use out of it...
So far I own, from biggest to smallest.
16 inch Discovery truss dob
10 inch Coulter dob (classic red tube)
10 inch Meade Newtonian on a huge equatorial
6 inch home built dob
Celestron C-6 (classic orange tube)
An Edmund Scientific Astroscan
Two pairs of 20x80 bino's
A small spotting scope with a permanently attached solar filter
More eye pieces that I care to list
And that does not even count the hand full of 4.5 inch Meade newts, people I know bought at Walmart and never used so they gave them to me. I hate to tell them they are worthless.
And I just saw a Celestron C-8 (classic orange tube) on Craigs List I am thinking of buying... I don't know why... Somebody please help me