I'm considering buying a subwoofer at some point. I have a two channel system I may eventually expand to 5.1. Here are my specs:
Denon AVR-987 receiver
Klipsch RF-82 Speakers
11x11 room (8 feet high, no openings or uneven walls, has a closet)
Several GIK 242s, 2 tritraps, soon a pair of 244s
I want the sub to do the following:
Work well in the system described above
Do well when placed between the main speakers (I lack room on the side)
Have a small footprint (18x18 about the max)
Provide the low bass well, where you feel it more than hear it.
I would like to be able to redirect the lowest frequencies (crossover 80 Hz or a little lower) away from the main speakers and to the sub.
An absolute max of $1,000 (around $500 would be better).
It would be great if such a sub could be found at Circuit City, Best Buy (not my favorite) or Tweeter (Sound Advice around these parts) but I'm resigned to the possibility I'll have to mail order for it. I like what I've heard about SVS and the Velodyne Minivee (sp?) would be a great fit (literally).
Suggestions appreciated.