My best buddy asked me to recommend a HD Panel for him awhile back, I sent him an email with units recommended from Audioholic members.
Imagine my surprise when I arrived to setup his system after the sales person talked him into purchasing a BENQ senseye DCDi DV3750.
I kept my thoughts to myself as I could see he was excited with his new purchase and I didn't want to rain on his parade. Although I did comment that I didn't know BENQ made consumer TV's, since I'd only seen computer LCD's in the past.
The horror story starts here, 11 months in and the Panel makes a load pop & fizzle then dies. He takes it back to the store (well known & not a box shop) in Southern Ontario and they replace it.
Now 13 months later, pop & fizzle repeats itself, the well known store say's it's out of warranty and BENQ is no longer in that market. He's SOL.
Can anyone give me some pointers on the best path to explore getting this system repaired (without forking over $100 to a repair shop to even look at it).
My opinion is that these units have power supply issues, is it even worth the repair attempt.
Thanks in advance !!