Today I received a very nice gift. In my journey to proper room treatments, I have tried a lot of different options. The first option I tried was the basic panels from GIK. When the panels arrived they had some shipment damage and were pretty basic and this along with the fact that the wife didn’t want panels on her walls led to a quick return. I talked to Glen at GIK and he fully understood and told me they would have some high end panels coming out in the near future.
In the meantime, I have built the DIY panels using the Ready Acoustic frames as many of you have seen. They look nice and the wife likes them.
Well the doorbell rang today and a truck dropped of a nice big box. In this box was a gift from GIK which consisted of 2 Elite panels. These are very nice panels with awesome wooden frames that are very well constructed using an inner frame that appears to be a ¾’’x1.1/2’’ with the fabric and mineral board housed in that and then the solid maple wooden frames is on the outside of this and are 4’’x ½’’ with a beveled face. I can’t wait for the wife to get home and see these as she is going to love them. They just happen to perfectly match our crown molding and cabinets.
Glenn has gone out of his way on showing what a top notch company he has and I am very pleased with this level of service and the quality of the new Elite panels.