The "Let HD DVD Die" petition is up over 9,000, FWIW...
I honestly could care less which high definition format is the one carried forward, but I do see more promise for the Blu-ray format. Knowing both formats can currently produce a similar offering in terms of a quality, HD experience, my decision is more so based on future expandability and functionality and believe me, I've read more information on both formats than I'd ever care to. I also don't care for the fact that Toshiba (sans Onkyo's rebadge) is the only HD-DVD player manufacturer, this is not such a good idea in principal for consumers.
Personally, I'd like the industry to just choose one format to standardize and move forward with it. While in the short term this would likely result in less BOGO type of deals for the media, the price of hardware would likely need to fall in order to incent viewers with SD/ED players to make the jump to the new "standard". This move will also be more prevalent with consumers purchasing newer, larger televisions that are capable of higher resolution viewing, wanting the latest and greatest viewing experience without breaking the bank for it... -TD