Thank you Hifihoney for choosing Tupac as your Pièce de résistance. He is a Rapper who I've personally have done much reading and studying thereof, not to mention own every one of his albulms pre and post mortum.
Would any white singer/actor be held in such high esteem if his mother was in the KKK & his father murdered a black security guard who was simply doing his job ?????
You are bringing up a non-issue in this. White or Black, the merrits of a singer/actor are determined by their body of work and not their familys choices, good or poor.
2 Pac shot 2 off duty cops,not that they didnt deserve it, its his mentality being shown.
Yes Tupac did shoot two off duty cops. Charges against Shakur were dismissed when it was discovered that both officers were intoxicated and were in possession of stolen weapons from an evidence locker during the occasion. They were also harassing a black motorist at the time. While I don't condone violence against law enforcement, given Tupac's upbringing, and past incidences with police (IE: 1991 suffering a brutal beating from cops jaywalking) he did what he felt was necessary. Also a point to note, none of the shots were life threatening and were taken at below centre of mass.
2 pac convicted & sentanced for Sodomy & molestation.
Interestingly enough, he was not even in the room when this happened to the woman. A fairly well established fact in his court procedings. He was deemed responsible nonetheless because it was his party and his entourage. Not to mention, he was actually charged with 3 counts of molestation, as the charges for sodomy were dropped. Tupac has always denied this, and there is good reason to believe him. From an artist who created songs early in his career like "Brenda's got a baby" and "keep ya head up" he has shown great respect for women. In this, I believe whole heartedly that Tupac was not guilty, but at the end of the day, that is really all I can offer on this particular situation. Believe what you will.
2 Pac,along with his gang,the Leuder park Piru's, are involved in a shooting with the Crip's that leaves a 6 year old boy dead from a stray bullet,Tupac settled out of court.
Yes, and ballistics have shown that the round that caused the death was not from Tupac or the Piru's. Though you may indicate that this is what appears as senseless violence, I'm sure you would protect yourself if people tried to end your life, and if that required you to shoot back, I'm sure you would as well.
2 Pac is shot 5 times while being robbed by rival gang members,survived only to continue gang life or "thug life" which was his philosophy of life.
Tupac was indeed shot 5 times while entering the lobby of Quad Recording Studios. He survived and three hours after his surgeries, despite urgings of the hospital left. He was present in a wheel chair the very next morning for his sentencing regarding the sexual abuse trial.
Amusingly, you have like so many others vastly misunderstood what "Thug Life" meant to Tupac. Thug Life was an acronymn for "The Hate U Give Little Infants F*cks Everyone", and was part of his political and social philosphies. The fact that you, and others tout Thug Life as some sort of gang related and violence promoting concept is pure and utter trash.
2 Pac's arrest record.
Drug possession.
Resisting arrest.
Unlawful possession of a firearm.
Sexual battery.
Unlawful possession of a firearm.
Arrest records don't mean much to me. For instance, in my arrest record I have the following:
Possession of Property obtained by Crime
Assault causing bodily harm
Neither of which was I convicted for, and in court both charges were withdrawn. Both were two completely unrelated issues, and to anyone who merely looks at it I'm sure it seems I'm a bad person. However, each charge has its own story, and the reasons for me being in those situations were based on ethical and principled decisions I have made. As is the case for Tupac Shakur. I'm not exonerating him of poor decisions, merely indicating that much of what he did was based on his circumstances in life. Were their better ways to handle these situations in his life? I'm sure there was, but I wasn't there to know, nor were you.
Flippant and sardonic commentary does not strengthen your viewpoint on this, it just demonstrates how you feel regardless of a complete understanding of his life.
What i dont get is what any rap enthusiast identify's with in his music,unless you've been involved in gang life,lived in a ghetto & sold drugs or been to prison theres nothing there in the lyrics for the average listener except to glorify gang life.
I have been involved with gang life when I was growing up, and I grew up in a ghetto. I've seen first hand how poverty, poor education, and crappy environments contribute to the decline of the human condition. You pass judgement on Tupac's entire body of work based on one or two songs you don't understand and say that he glorifies gang life. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Tupac took from his experiences in life and put out a large amount of work to call for changes in social and political terms in order to help people in destitute situations. He does not glorify gang life, he illustrates it quite graphically in his lyrics to illicit responses and interest in the many topics he covers. I will list for you some of the songs he has done that advocate change and positive messages.
Brenda's Got a Baby
Soulja's Story
Words of Wisdom...
In fact pretty much every song on 2pacalypse Now albulm is a direct political message advocating change.
I ain't Mad at Cha
Dear Mama
Keep Ya Head Up
So Many Tears
Unconditional Love
Life Goes On
Shorty Wanna Be a Thug
Wonda Why They Call U *****
Only God Can Judge Me
Never B Peace
Mama's Just a Little Girl
My Block
Better Dayz
Who Do You Believe In
They Dont Give a F*ck About Us
Ghetto Gospel
Black Cotton
It Ain't Easy
Nothing to Lose
Hold On Be Strong
16 On Death Row
The Streets R Deathrow
Letter 2 My Unborn Child
Happy Home
When Thugz Cry
Words 2 My First Born
And many more.
Bury Me a G isn't a classic Tupac song, just for your information. It was released Post Mortum, and was written to illustrate his life growing up. Its not meant to be a song with a positive message, but one illustrating the life of many many people who grow up then and now. It should make you realize that things need to change in order to prevent worse from occuring in life.
You also misinterpret many of the words he uses in his songs, such as *****es and N*ggaz. *****es had, in his lyrics, usually 3 different meanings. One was used to describe shady people who weren't trustworthy. Another was used to describe the type of female who has no self respect. And the last use for it being the general intent for the word.
N.I.G.G.A was also another acronymn, not meaning the same as N*GGER. It stood for Never Ignorant Getting Goals Achieved. A very different connotation from the traditional meaning of it.
So if you actually spent some time learning and listening instead of mouthing off about a subject you clearly have little understanding of then you might change your perspective of rap. I'm not saying you have to like it, I'm saying your baseless opinions made on surface judgements mean nothing to me or any real rap enthusiast.