Guys, thanks so much for the wonderful advice, as contradictory as some of it has been
I feel however that there's a ton of useful information for me to take away from here...and that perhaps I shouldn't be wasting my money on a financial advisor, when I really should take the initiative and learn this myself.
Although a few of you have pointed out that u'd be crazy to ask audioholics for fin advice, u gotta figure that this is an expensive hobby and people who can afford it probably know wth they're doing when it comes to money matters
And I mean that in the sense that they know how to collect just as well as they know how to spend it
Upgrades are always one product cycle away!!
I'll have to think about this though. I do have a 401K plan, but I only put in as much as my company matches. Sounds like I should aim to do the full match. I guess where i'm struggling is where to allocate the funds (more bonds because the market is flakey..or persist with growth sectors?). Maybe i need to subscribe to WSJ
Another thing I'm wondering is whether to concentrate on finishing my car loan (just under 10K left @6.7%) or to keep investing in 401K and other plans. Currently I'm doing a bit of both, but I really want to get this loan off my back. I keep paying more than what my payments require of me, but I feel like i want to put more into it and get it over with. I've had the loan for like 2yrs now, and the biggest reason i've let it drag on (apart from the lack of funds
) is to build credit history (of which i had NONE when i got the loan). Is 2 yrs enough for this?