Everyone loves a trilogy right?



As I sit here at the University Medical Center in Tucson with one of my soldiers I get to think about being asked to go back to Iraq a third time.

Said soldier was scheduled to deploy at the end of this month with his dog but as of a couple days ago after getting his wisdom teeth pulled, he has ended up in ICU with a cracked skull and blood on the brain. He's going to make a full recovery but it's going to be a 6-12 month journey.

The day following the extraction of his wisdom teeth, all doped up on vikidon, he tried to go to the restroom but instead fell and hit the toilet with the side of his head which resulted in a crack in his skull right behind the ear, a ruptured ear drum and air/blood on his frontal lobe.

He's conscious and aware but is having horrible headaches(go figure). Family is down here and as soon as he is released, he will be going home to recuperate.

...but the mission doesn't go away. We (my kennels) is still tasked with the mission. Without compromising Opsec on our manning strength let's just say the options are limited. So I should find out in a week or so if I'm going back over, which if happens, will happen relatively quickly.

Good thing I keep my bags packed. The toughest part will undoubtedly be telling the wife if/when I get the green light.
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Audioholic Warlord
As much as I appreciate what you and the military personnel do for us around the world. I would personally have to say F that.

I guess your a better man then me.

Bring back the draft. :D


I do not envy you for the conversation you're going to have when you get home tonight.

Well, we're here for ya' if you need us.


I do not envy you for the conversation you're going to have when you get home tonight.

Well, we're here for ya' if you need us.
The "talk" isn't going to happen until I get confirmation.;) No need for undue stress if it doesn't go through. There are a lot of phone calls and emails being sent about this as we speak.


So is this your way of telling us you want your wisdom teeth pulled?
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
so you're choosing between Iraq or Korea? or is it out of your hands?

dangerous, hot and humid vs. boring, cold and comfortable. hmmm.


Interesting situation Matt34. I'm surprised that the operation cannot be passed on to another unit due to the limited numbers of employable servicemen. Though, the US being stretched for troops, I suppose there is not many others to fullfill the role. Especially considering well trained dog handlers often find their way out of the military and into lucrative but dangerous positions for PMC's.

I've worked with some dog teams here in Canada myself, specifically with Baden K9, and I've seen some incredible work there. Well trained handlers are hard to come by, as are the really well trained dogs. What type of employment role have you previously fullfilled overseas? I would imagine checkpoints searching for IED's would be up there on the stressful list.


Audioholic Spartan
It's been confirmed, I'll leave in a couple months time.
Hang tough and take care Matt as always and remember that the power of positive thought from us here at AH is behind you all the way.

Thanks again for all you do for us,



Well, don't forget to give your mailing address. Care packages are already getting planned.

Tell the missus we'll all be praying with her.


I called her this morning right after I found out. She took it pretty well and I guess was kind of expecting it in regards to the other guys situation.

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