Hi Audioholics,
I am a graduate student in musicology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I am currently working on a masters thesis exploring recent trends in music technology and listening habits. As a part of my research I am interested in collecting responses to the survey questions below. Please email responses to me at
Guberman@email.unc.edu. I will not share your personal information with anyone. In the event that I choose to quote a response I will identify you by name. If you would not like to be quoted please let me know and/or just don't provide your name. Also please let me know if you are willing to be contacted by me for potential follow-up questions.
Demographics information (Items with a * are optional for the purpose of quotations and contact for follow-up questions)
Location (country/city):
Survey Questions:
1. Do you consider yourself an audiophile? (why or why not)
2. Where do you buy your equipment? (as specific as possible i.e. The Audioholics online store)
3. How much money have you spent on your system?
4. What do you look for when purchasing new equipment? (i.e. price, sound, appearance, easy to set up, etc)
5. What role does your significant other (if you have one) play in purchasing new equipment?
6. Do you tweak your system and to what extent? (I won't tell Tom)
7. When buying speakers are you most concerned with the sound of music or movies?
8. When demonstrating your system for others do you use music or movies?
9. Describe your music purchasing. (Do you buy DVD-A/SACDs, from sites like AIX records, normal CDs, LPs, if MP3s bought or acquired through other means (don't worry I won't tell the RIAA) what bit rates?)
10. Do you own a portable music player (mp3, CD, minidisc, etc)? (If yes also answer a-c)
a. Where and under what circumstances do you use it? (i.e. while at the gym, or when your roommate is sleeping)
b. Do you listen to the same music on your portable device as your main system?
c. What bitrate do you rip tracks at and what type of headphones do you use?
11. What are your opinions about the "loudness war," and has it affected your listening/purchasing habits? (if you've never heard of it I want to know hat too)
Thank you very much!
Dan Guberman