We all know for a fact that speakers have to be heard.
We can't just say that since a speaker has a great Frequency Response that it is automatically a great speaker.
We are all familiar with the "+/-3dB @ 90dB w/m" F.R. standard.
However, some companies don't include these specifications unless we specifically ask for them. Definitive Technology and MQ Quart are just two such examples. They only list the "Overall" F.R. of their speakers. Some people even consider these specs dishonest and say that their F.R. are just plain wrong.
Def Tech list the F.R. of the BP7000Sc as "11 Hz - 30 kHz". When ask, Def Tech states that the +/-3dB F.R. of the BP7000SC is 20 Hz - 20 kHz. Home Theater Magazine independent measured the F.R. of the BP7000SC to be 22 Hz - 20 kHz +/-3dB. So is Def Tech lying?
I have compiled a quick chart comparing the manufacturers' +/-3dB F.R. versus the 3rd Party Independent +/-3dB F.R. of 76 speakers. Interestingly enough, only three speakers (DefTech CLR3000, Linn Akurate 242, Paradigm S8) matched the Independent 3rd Party's F.R.
Four speakers actually had better F.R. when tested by 3rd Party (DefTech BP10B & BP8B, Linn Komponent 110, Polk LSi25).
All the rest were off by as many as + 41 Hz!