I am going to buy Pioneer's Flagship receiver, the VSX94-TXH Elite.
It seems that I could save as much as 350 bucks if I buy from an online source. But I want to make sure that I am not getting a refurbished, fake, or be put in a bad service situation. I noticed by looking at some of the bottom portion of the posts here, that more than a few folks do use Pioneer for their AVRs, mostly the Pioneer Elites line. So I figure someone here might know where (or if) to purchase online.
Can anyone recommend an internet outlet that is reputable for this, esp Pioneer? Or should I go local? Normally I support my one or two local indepedant audio places that are near me. Near meaning an hour or so away, I'm out in the sticks.
Side Note: I have pretty much made up my mind on the VSX94, if you feel the need to encourage some other model or brand, feel free though. I have my reasons for this selection, but that's another topic.