Hey ALL!
I'm new here, and this website is great and has fantastic information!!
I have a problem, and i'm very new to all these Plasma TV configuration. I recently bought a Panasonic 42" Plasma TV 700U. Everything looks great on it...especially my XBOX 360 with HDMI. However, i have one slight issue. When i plug in my Playstation 2 (yeah, 2 not 3)...all the games are dark. especially when i go into a dungeon or poorly lit area in the game, i can barely see what's going on. Anyone know how i can configure the TV so that i comes our fairly visible so i can play some games?
Any information would be greatly appreciated! Thanks all in advance for your time...
Also, one more question...i am looking into a TV configuration tool...Specifically SpyderTV from DataColor. What do you all think about that? is there a better and cheaper tool out there? if so can you recommend me any? Thanks again...