Well I figure I owe it to you guys to spill the beans. I was distracted from my school work and was near failing. I attempted to revive my grades, but spent long nights working on late school work only to realize that my efforts where futile. I wasted a few months (I still have my associates degree to work with) going for my bachelors degree. Now that I am finished with school, at least for the year cycle, there is no reason for me not to return to the forum, though probably on a less frequent basis.
I agree that this thread is stupid, and if I had known that I was going to fail my courses I would not have wasted my time with it. I have seen other members dissapear for what seemed to be no reason, at least for a time, and saw other members ask "where did "genericname89" go?" and I didn't want to leave anyone that was curious about my dissapearance left hanging. Of course by starting a farewell thread I was naturally interested in where it was going and had the urge to reply.
If the proprieters of this forum wish this thread dissapear I will have no objection, as it has clearly run it's course and no longer has any purpose. No sense in racking up a post count for no reason right?