Hi jimmyswan and welcome to AH!
First off, you'll want to see if you can gather the T/S parameters for the Alpine SWE-1241, I was able to find them
If the SWE-1241 comes in both single and dual voice coil (SVC/DVC) options, you'll need to determine which one you have.
After you've gathered the parameters and can determine which VC build you have for this driver, you can download
WinISD (the non-Pro version is a bit easier to use), create this driver in the database by filling all the T/S parameter info in (you may not have all the params available in WinISD, that's typically fine), then once you've created the driver, you can begin to walk through WinISD, select whether you'd like sealed or vented/ported, then design the size of the enclosure and the amount of ports required as well as length and diameter if you're doing a ported build. You'll want to make sure you don't exceed certain limitations like the 'Vent mach' (usually red text shows an error or problem) or the port(s) length for your enclosure.
WinISD is fairly straightforward, but it does have some built-in help and the WinISD website will have additional info on it's use. I found the more you mess w/it, you'll have questions you should be able to hunt down relatively easily.
Any other questions, let 'er rip... -TD