UN-Official Formula 1 Thread



Audioholic Spartan
Lego vs. Megablock

While shopping today I thought it funny that Lego has Ferrari sets and Megabloks has Mclaren.

I hear that Megabloks couldn't get it right until they stole info from Lego.:D:D:D



I can't wait until the new season. It should be interesting.

Alonso back at Renault which should be pretty strong since they have been working on the car since around July/August.

BMW should keep improving potentially fighting for race wins. Heidfeld and Kubica could be dicing at the front on a regular basis. They could be early season contenders for the title. They were only about .5 sec off the pace of Ferrari near the end of the season. If they can find it they should do well. (Ferrari will probably find another .5 sec. though)

Hamilton and Kovalainen at McCheaters should prove interesting in what will most likely be a modified F2007... cough... I mean Mp-4/22.

Williams may be joining the foray near the front if they have improved like last season. Cheaper Toyota engines will hopefully result in more development. They are claiming a new car and it will be mor eof a revolutionary design. Hopefully it does not bomb like the last "revolutionary design" they came up with. (The "tusked" car) They are still recovering from that.

RedBull should be regular competitors for podiums (if the cars don't break). The car has speed, just not all the time and usually just before it breaks.

...last but not least, Kimi and Massa will be very strong with Kimi flexing some muscle this year showing Massa why he is the number one in the team on a more consistent basis. The loss of traction control will set them apart.

Ferrari claim they are designing a completely new car which should hopefully prove a great choice. They also claim to have put 4 full race distances on their transmission and made the system to shift even quicker. :eek:

Though many will not like it, I am hoping for a 2004 like performance from the Scuderia. Dominance is the way I like it.


Junior Audioholic
I can't wait until the new season. It should be interesting.

Alonso back at Renault which should be pretty strong since they have been working on the car since around July/August.

BMW should keep improving potentially fighting for race wins. Heidfeld and Kubica could be dicing at the front on a regular basis. They could be early season contenders for the title. They were only about .5 sec off the pace of Ferrari near the end of the season. If they can find it they should do well. (Ferrari will probably find another .5 sec. though)

Hamilton and Kovalainen at McCheaters should prove interesting in what will most likely be a modified F2007... cough... I mean Mp-4/22.

Williams may be joining the foray near the front if they have improved like last season. Cheaper Toyota engines will hopefully result in more development. They are claiming a new car and it will be mor eof a revolutionary design. Hopefully it does not bomb like the last "revolutionary design" they came up with. (The "tusked" car) They are still recovering from that.

RedBull should be regular competitors for podiums (if the cars don't break). The car has speed, just not all the time and usually just before it breaks.

...last but not least, Kimi and Massa will be very strong with Kimi flexing some muscle this year showing Massa why he is the number one in the team on a more consistent basis. The loss of traction control will set them apart.

Ferrari claim they are designing a completely new car which should hopefully prove a great choice. They also claim to have put 4 full race distances on their transmission and made the system to shift even quicker. :eek:

Though many will not like it, I am hoping for a 2004 like performance from the Scuderia. Dominance is the way I like it.
McCheaters? The only diff with McLaren is they got caught. Plain and simple. Everybody has leaks and even provides misinformation. Part of the F1 circus. Good riddance of the Donkey (Alonso) His attitude just became piss poor.



Audioholic Ninja
YES, 2004 all over again! Has anyone heard the rumours about Porsche looking into F1?


Having 780 pages of another teams intellectual property is not like everyone else.

Everyone else looks at each other's cars and gets an idea of what they are doing differently. They do not get explicit plans and details of the car's inner workings and systems. Face it, McLaren got caught cheating. They even issued a letter admitting guilt and that they were using some of the stolen info on the 2008 car. Does it mean that other teams are totally innocent, no but they do not aquire the teams blueprints for the car either.


Junior Audioholic
Having 780 pages of another teams intellectual property is not like everyone else.

Everyone else looks at each other's cars and gets an idea of what they are doing differently. They do not get explicit plans and details of the car's inner workings and systems. Face it, McLaren got caught cheating. They even issued a letter admitting guilt and that they were using some of the stolen info on the 2008 car. Does it mean that other teams are totally innocent, no but they do not aquire the teams blueprints for the car either.
I'm right there with you. They cheated, it is despicable, but the crime was getting caught. Look at some of the engineering that Ferrari has done. Knowingly "bending" rules, parking cars on the racing line during qual, Honda's fuel tank ballast, etc.

I'd like to find another team to route for, but fact is I like Hamilton. I worry about his ability to do self setup, but we shall see this year.

I'm not justifying it, but I'm past it.



Audioholic Ninja
I'm right there with you. They cheated, it is despicable, but the crime was getting caught. Look at some of the engineering that Ferrari has done. Knowingly "bending" rules, parking cars on the racing line during qual, Honda's fuel tank ballast, etc.

I'd like to find another team to route for, but fact is I like Hamilton. I worry about his ability to do self setup, but we shall see this year.

I'm not justifying it, but I'm past it.

Nope the crime wasn't getting caught, the crime was to steal from another team, cheating on the rules is different, you're not taking directly from what's not yours, there's nothing good about bending rules, but it's a far crying from taking someone's property.

Hopefully this season will be better for the teams and the fans.


With the Spy Saga officially over everyone can move on.

I can't wait to see the new Ferrari. It has been sometime since Ferrari has stated they have a "Completely New" car. Most all of them were evolutions of their predecessors. The F2007 being a bit of an exception with a move to a zero keel chasis and longer wheelbase. It was still very much like the 248 F1 though.

McLaren will be a bit behind on development as they had to deal with their actions. I am anxious to see how Hamilton does with his own setups and developing the car. At least they still have DeLarosa to do the testing. That will help Hamilton greatly. Kovalainen will be a boost there as well. He usually has very good feedback.

Bring on Austrailia!!!!

There have been hints that Austrailia could be switched to a night race like Singapore to keep it's spot on the calendar.

The night race(s) will be interesting. I just hope it does not rain. Rain, floodlights, tons of spray, and no TC make for disaster.


Junior Audioholic
Nope the crime wasn't getting caught, the crime was to steal from another team, cheating on the rules is different, you're not taking directly from what's not yours, there's nothing good about bending rules, but it's a far crying from taking someone's property.

Hopefully this season will be better for the teams and the fans.
Strat, you see it the way you see. I can tell you this. Cheating in motorsports in RAMPANT. I know because I'm mildly invovled in the SCCA.

But I am past it, and am looking forward to next season.



Audioholic Ninja
Not only in motorsports, but football, baseball, basketball, cycling, the Olympics, you name it. Pretty sad, you figure sports is where real ethics would apply, but that's just wishful thinking. I guess the word sportsmanship doesn't apply anymore.:( I would have thought boxing, but then you have a guy like Tyson chewing opponent's ear off. In that train of thought, maybe the last pure sport is mixed martial arts since its hard to cheat.:rolleyes:


Audioholic Spartan
Bring on Austrailia!!!!

There have been hints that Austrailia could be switched to a night race like Singapore to keep it's spot on the calendar.

The night race(s) will be interesting. I just hope it does not rain. Rain, floodlights, tons of spray, and no TC make for disaster.
Could be interesting...as long as nobody gets hurt.



Not only in motorsports, but football, baseball, basketball, cycling, the Olympics, you name it. Pretty sad, you figure sports is where real ethics would apply, but that's just wishful thinking. I guess the word sportsmanship doesn't apply anymore.:( I would have thought boxing, but then you have a guy like Tyson chewing opponent's ear off. In that train of thought, maybe the last pure sport is mixed martial arts since its hard to cheat.:rolleyes:
Do you know why there is so much cheating? Because money is involved and it is all about cashflow now. The competition real or staged (think Nascar) is just a moneymaker or product to sell. The real heart of competition lies at the ameture levels where things become far less tainted.

That does not mean I would give up watching F1 though. :D


Audioholic Ninja
Are you saying that NASCAR is a bit like professional wrestling?:D


Yes, I will boldly say that.

What do people think the Chase is? If there were no Chase, Jeff Gordon would have won again this year and people would have been mad. The fact is that Gordon is one of the best "drivers" in Nascar. He can actually drive. The Chase simply handicaps the points leader from the previous 36 races or whatever.

Thre truth of the matter is that a Nascar driver can win every race all season. Go into the chase, win every race but the last one, crash out on the first lap and still lose the championship. (This assumes that others are finishing consistently in the top ten) If that is not artificial competition, I do not know what is.


Junior Audioholic
Do you know why there is so much cheating? Because money is involved and it is all about cashflow now. The competition real or staged (think Nascar) is just a moneymaker or product to sell. The real heart of competition lies at the ameture levels where things become far less tainted.

That does not mean I would give up watching F1 though. :D
That is why I like watching college football over the pro ball. The guys are playing with more heart and fervor.

One of the most blatant stories of cheating was Flod Landis. Guy is out of gas/energy one day, then the next day, banging like a tweaker. He says the night before he was dispareged about his performance and hit the Jack Daniels. Yeah right. You got drunk then had a banner day?



Audioholic Spartan
That is why I like watching college football over the pro ball. The guys are playing with more heart and fervor.

One of the most blatant stories of cheating was Flod Landis. Guy is out of gas/energy one day, then the next day, banging like a tweaker. He says the night before he was dispareged about his performance and hit the Jack Daniels. Yeah right. You got drunk then had a banner day?


I do that all the time!!!:D

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