I have had an entry level Polk 5.1 system for years
I am picking up my B&W 804S tomorrow

need some help with basic speaker cable and interconnects.
The Polks have been driven by my Yamaha with the Red bare
wired to the Red Terminal, and the black the same, this is
traditional/conventional wiring, right?
So, I want to Bi Wire the 804S mains & center to my new Outlaw 7500 AMP.
Is this simply 2 wires for each the red and black (High Frequencies/Low Freq)?
If yes, I do not get the point, 2 wires or 1 single wire in to the same terminal, isn't this basically the same amount of cable?
Also, if I do BiAmp, the interconnect will tell the receiver the AMP is driving my mains/center?
Since I will not drive these speaks w/ my Yammie (they will drive the 2 surrounds)
I was wondering how the media will be processed?
Please excuse the basic ?
Appreciate any feedback