Oddly enough I haven't come across this topic yet - perhaps I didn't search back far enough, but I've recently began to wonder about a couple of things.
Mostly concerning the audio capabilities of each of these options...
I currently am subscribed to my local cable provider's HD digital cable service, which provides a handful of true HD channels, and Dolby Digital 5.1 audio for most of those. All other 'non-HD' channels are not 5.1, so I have to rely on good ol' Pro-Logic.
I have my cable box connected to the Receiver via optical - and although I can completely surmise that the quality of audio coming over the standard RF cabe line into my home is probably fairly prone to loss and degneration of the square wave forms that make up my digital signal - as a result, this leads to some fairly inadequate listening experiences on some of these channels - again I am only assuming that this is the case.
On many of the channels, the sound seems very compressed and hollow, and lacks any kind of richness or fullness.
I am wondering if anyone else out there has this issue, or possibly has some insight into the inner workings of a typical digital cable network, and how the audio signal is processed either pre-transmission, over the lines, or at my cable box/Receiver connection?
Also, of course I am sure this is taking place everywhere, but everyone's FAVORITE Ma Bell service is working in overdrive to shove Fiber Optic service in our face as if it is the next best thing since sliced bread. I've refrained from subscribing to them based on poor customer service in general, but I've often wondered about the quality of the actual service in comparison to digital cable. Does anyone have any input on this?
Any other frustrated customers out there?