Been debating this movie for quite some time, I do like the movie.
My bigger gripe would be the audio, not video on this movie.
The video clearly is a upgrade (considering the source material)..
But dang, DD+ 1.0 mono... That is sad.
After saying this, LOL, yes I will get the movie.
(with X-mas in mind, Christmas Vacation I've already got on both HD formats... Although have not checked the BD one yet)(now to get rid of my SD DVD)
Anyhow, here is another review.
The Audio: Rating the Sound
I have to admit to getting a bit of a giggle out of the "Dolby Digital-Plus 1.0 Mono" soundtrack listed on the back of the package. Does such a thing exist? Apparently it does, though I can't say it helps much when you're dealing with a mono track. Granted, this ain't 'Superman Returns,' but still, it would have been nice to at least get a stereo remix. As such, the quality here is what you'd expect, and won't surprise anyone whose seen one of the airings of the film on TNT.
The best I can say about this mix is that it is at least clean and clear.