I have both. I play my 360 probably 5x as much. It's not that i don't like the PS3, it's a quality piece of hardware. There just hasnt been a reason for me to play it. Every multiplatform game review that i've seen said to get the 360 version because it's better. Plus there's Halo3, BioShock, Gears of War...
PS3 has games, just not great games. Folklore...eh. Ratchet and Clank was good. Heavenly Sword? Great production values, average game at best. Motorstorm was cool for the short time it lasted. Resistance was pretty good.
Some models play PS2 games via hardware, some software, and some not at all. But most people that have PS2 games already have a PS2...
I'd stop reading fanboy sites if i were you, you're never going to reason with them. Fanboys are the minority though...PS2 outsold Xbox over 2:1. 360 is outselling PS3 over 2:1. That means PS2 owners are buying the 360 even with the well-publicized reliability issues...
Let me ask you this. If they had the same reliability (which they admittedly do not), which would you consider the better game machine?
Why does every PS3 or Xbox 360 thread degenerate? Gosh, you'd think this was the sub forum and somebody didn't recommend an SVS sub...