Bipole/Dipole placement or should I get them at all?



Currently my system comprises of Mirage speakers I have an omni c150 center, Omni 550 towers, and omni 150 surrounds. All are omnipolar speakers except for the center channel. I am not happy with the center channel. Therefore, I'm going to replace it with the new Emotiva L/C/R speaker. I really like the Omni 550 towers they have great bottom end and when I listen to music in stereo they just disappear and I can't even tell wear the sound is coming from (omnipolar design). I am happy with the surrounds because lets face it, it isn't hard to be a good surround. Anyway my question is since I like to keep all my speakers the same brand and since I am getting the Emotiva center should I get their new Bipole/Dipole speakers and replace my surrounds. I would like to have the 550's for music only but I have no room for two fronts or another dedicated music setup so I'm keeping them for ht and music.

What really makes this question more than an opinion of speakers is the placement of my surrounds and the limitations I have on placement options for surrounds. My couch is against the back wall and right now my surrounds are on stands at ear height right next to the couch. Since I am against the back wall should I not try to get bipole/dipoles? I thought about making some tall stands like 50" tall and placing the bipole/dipoles a little forward of the listening position.

Lastly, would there be any bennefit to getting the bipole/dipoles other than having matching speakers?

You guys are the brightest people on the best home theater forum I know you can give me great advice.




My floor plan has changed a little, but I don't think it would make that much of an issue.
Gimpy Ric

Gimpy Ric

I too have questions about bipoles and dipoles. I'll watch this thread!


Currently my system comprises of Mirage speakers I have an omni c150 center, Omni 550 towers, and omni 150 surrounds. All are omnipolar speakers except for the center channel. I am not happy with the center channel. Therefore, I'm going to replace it with the new Emotiva L/C/R speaker. I really like the Omni 550 towers they have great bottom end and when I listen to music in stereo they just disappear and I can't even tell wear the sound is coming from (omnipolar design). I am happy with the surrounds because lets face it, it isn't hard to be a good surround. Anyway my question is since I like to keep all my speakers the same brand and since I am getting the Emotiva center should I get their new Bipole/Dipole speakers and replace my surrounds. I would like to have the 550's for music only but I have no room for two fronts or another dedicated music setup so I'm keeping them for ht and music.

What really makes this question more than an opinion of speakers is the placement of my surrounds and the limitations I have on placement options for surrounds. My couch is against the back wall and right now my surrounds are on stands at ear height right next to the couch. Since I am against the back wall should I not try to get bipole/dipoles? I thought about making some tall stands like 50" tall and placing the bipole/dipoles a little forward of the listening position.

Lastly, would there be any bennefit to getting the bipole/dipoles other than having matching speakers?

You guys are the brightest people on the best home theater forum I know you can give me great advice.
Buy new ones... donate the old ones to me :) :p, but seriously if you do buy new ones, let me know how much you would want for the front towers


Audioholic Ninja
Don't bother, your room doesn't look like it'd be conducive for multi-polar use. And timbre matching surrounds aren't as important. What would help, is to move your couch off the back wall a couple of feet.


Audioholic Samurai
I have mistakenly posted my reply to the wrong thread. Sorry.

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Audioholic Ninja
Center channel

Timber matching across the front 3 channels is important for HT. Try tweaking your receiver settings and experimenting with the position of the center channel so see if you can improve its performance.

If you are set on replacing it, something from sister company energy might have similar drivers and be a better tonal match for your mains.

I don't think many people have heard the new Emotiva speakers, but they would probably be a resonable upgrade if you plan to replace the L/C/R channels.

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