No experience needed!!
HEH..........just eco-freak dopes to spew liberal agenda. If you are
"wicked smart, funny, irreverent and hip, oozing enthusiasm".........CBS news wants you!!
You totally missed the real issue here. (somehow I am not surprised)
As I have said before. The problem with the news these days is not some perceived liberal bias as the conservatives would have you believe.
The problem as I see it is...
A. News is business, and bad news sells. News (specially on TV) has to fight for the ratings and advertiser dollars just like some lame sit-com. So they tend to dwell on sensationalist stories, doom and gloom topics, and controversial issues.
B. Media conglomeration. There are really very few real news outlets. All the news shows get their stories from the same limited sources, AP, Ruters, and I can't remember the other. Every commercial radio station in my town is owned by the same company. They used to all have their own journalists, news rooms, and broadcasters. Now they don't really have a "news room" at all and the same "news personality" reads the same news stories off "the wire" on all the stations.
Now back to this liberal bias thing. The media in a free country is the voice of the opposition, the voice of the little guy. Since I can not attend a Presidential news conference and ask the President tough questions I expect the news media to do it. If we allow the media to be controlled by the government you end up with the likes of the
Iraqi information minister.