Line conditioner good enough?



Audioholic Intern
I wanted to get a power conditioner/protector for my new LCD and Yamaha Receiver (since I have heard it will help protect/extend the life of electronic equipment). I have also heard that it actually improves the signal to get improved quality, but then again I dont know if only the 100$ + line conditioners are the ones capable of this.

Anyone knows if this is good enough for some decent "coditioning" and protection. If not,then any website with good values and what to look for would be really appreciated (don't know much about them personally)

This the one they sell at BestBuy ,where I am picking up the 32'' LCD today.

Acoustic Research - Power Conditioner with 7 Outlets
Model: AR705TC

Gimpy Ric

Gimpy Ric

That won't protect your gear during power outages, and quick on off surges.. I had an electricion run two 20 Amp circuits for my gear. Then I hooked up a 1000 watt ups, and a 2000 watt ups, both from APC. I have only my Hsu Sub hooked up to the 1000 watter, because it takes 600 watts at full pull. The 2000 watter powers everything else. Lonnie at Emotiva told me not to do this, but he didn't know how big a UPS(s) I planned on using.

The electricion screwed me out of $600.00, and the 1000 watt was $400.00, and the 2000 watter was $750.00 bucks. Not cheap, but I damn sure sleep better knowing all my gear is safe.

BTW, I was disappointed in my panamax, it's just an overpriced power strip in my opinion.


Audioholic Ninja
Probably more than good enough. I've been involved in audio since the 1950's - way before anybody ever heard of a line conditioner or a UPS. I've never used either one and never so much as blown a fuse in all those years.

The UPS was designed to prevent a hard crash on a computer operating system if the power goes out. Why it was embraced by the audio crowd is a mystery to me.


Audioholic Overlord
All I use is a simple surge protection.

It is a Monster but I got it for free.
Gimpy Ric

Gimpy Ric

The UPS was designed to prevent a hard crash on a computer operating system if the power goes out. Why it was embraced by the audio crowd is a mystery to me.
Do you have life insurance? Its not required by law, but if you care for your loved ones, you'll have some. I care for my audio gear. I'm also a quadriplegic and cannot unplug during thunderstorms. I have a $10,000 Amateur Radio Station with two UPS's. I love my radios too, and can't afford lightning hits.

The UPS's condition the power, and provide on/off surge protection. And yes, my computers have them also. I have five APC's, none smaller than 1000 watts.


Seriously, I have no life.
Probably more than good enough. I've been involved in audio since the 1950's -
Then we won't ask your age:D
Why it was embraced by the audio crowd is a mystery to me.
Well, you know the audio crowd, or a segment of it. They like the mystic properties of things:D


Audioholic Ninja
I have a $10,000 Amateur Radio Station with two UPS's. I love my radios too, and can't afford lightning hits.

73 from KC9R. I've lost a few fuses from lightning strikes on the ham rig and one run of RG8 coax. I've lost three modems in computers to lightning strikes over the years. I've lost nothing in all that time to surges or power outages. Sorry, I just can't get worked up over it. And, no, I'm way past the point of life insurance. At this point in life I don't need it.

I have no problem with your love of UPS's, by the way. I was just sharing an opinion. That's the purpose of forums like this one.


Audioholic Ninja
Then we won't ask your age:D
Most likely above the average age of people in this forum.

Well, you know the audio crowd, or a segment of it. They like the mystic properties of things:D
I'd almost forgotten. The Tice Clock, Shun Mook disks, the entire high end cable industry. Right you are.
Gimpy Ric

Gimpy Ric

73 from KC9R. I've lost a few fuses from lightning strikes on the ham rig and one run of RG8 coax. I've lost three modems in computers to lightning strikes over the years. I've lost nothing in all that time to surges or power outages. Sorry, I just can't get worked up over it. And, no, I'm way past the point of life insurance. At this point in life I don't need it.

I have no problem with your love of UPS's, by the way. I was just sharing an opinion. That's the purpose of forums like this one.
73's from K4SCI - I lost the front end on a 756 Pro II, from static discharge from lightning hit. Sold that Rig and now have a 756 Pro III, PW-1 Amp, and lots more.

The Ups's pull double duty, I can run my 2m/440 Icom Sat rig for about an hour with no commercial power. I also have a 7 kw Onan propane generator :D


I don't have a lot invested in my audio equipment right now, so I just use an overly expensive Monster surge protector. However, don't UPS's produce more of a modified square wave rather than a true sine wave? If so, does that affect the noise in the system?

Also, for the hams, 73 from KD7YZU.
Gimpy Ric

Gimpy Ric

I don't have a lot invested in my audio equipment right now, so I just use an overly expensive Monster surge protector. However, don't UPS's produce more of a modified square wave rather than a true sine wave? If so, does that affect the noise in the system?

Also, for the hams, 73 from KD7YZU.
Welcome to the Forums! Never scoped mine, but my system is quiet like a church mouse.

I'll admit that I tend to over do everything a little :rolleyes: But thats just me. Anyways, this is a great bunch of audioholics here.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Whatever you use for power conditioners, I would also recommend that you also have a convenient way to instantly yank all of your connections from the power source. I had the experience of a nearby lightning strike (two poles up the street) that took out a bunch of expensive components AND the power conditioners. They may protect against 700 volts but won't do much against 700,000 volts. Having been burned this way, I pull my plugs whenever the weather threatens.

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