Mike c., I'm not saying Emotiva does or doesn't give good bang for the buck, but look at the amplifier review section. Out of 16 reviews, 4 are Emotiva products. That appears, to me anyway, to show a decided lack of objectivity. It begs the question, how does one company get such complete coverage when dozens of others get nothing?
Emotiva may or may not send in products for review, but for Audioholics to allow their coverage of the market to become so skewed looks less than objective to me. But maybe I'm missing something...
Im wondering why you care so much?
Im the first guy to say that reviews are meaningless,being that i have personal friends who make their living in the hi end audio business i know a bit more than the average consumer when it comes to how much back room action there is within the business,and there is alot but not only from reviewers.
My point is this,whats your stake in asking this question,you make it look as if the Audioholics staff is on the take but you never explain your position,what is your interest in this,are we to believe that your just a curious consumer who just happened to see a bunch of reviews on this site?
Or is it that your somehow connected with a competing audio manufacturer ?
Yes there are paid reviews on the internet but right along with that there are paid trolls who's job is to make othe gear look inferior or to raise questions about other competing gear quality,or to raise questions about the legitimaticy of the reviews that are posted.
Im personally more leary of a person who pops in out of nowhere,raising eyebrows in his first post, with subtle accusations, than i am over the Audioholics staff review policies.
Whatever your real life reason for posting this thread was is of no matter,Audioholics does reputibile reviews & as far as Emotive being reviewed here,im one of the people who bought an Emotiva product based on the reviews ive read here, so far im glad i did.
i just have not had enough time to post an owner review bit i will soon & in that review i'll thank Audioholics for showing me that product.